Bert's 60g Planted Tank

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On the roll...

I know! I'm pretty excited. However I have just found another drama. Something just isn't right in my 30g. I've started getting holes in my crypt at the back and the other crypts I put in about 2 weeks have "burnt" tips.

Now I've read this can be caused by lack of phosphate. I dose 3.5x more phosphate than EI recommended. (Keeps the GSA away).
I don't lack phosphate.

I pulled out the nitrate test kit. (First time in a long time) now if that's correct I'm sitting at about 40-80ppm. I find it very hard to believe as I did a 50-60% water change today and only dosed 1g of kno3.
Phosphate test reads 5ppm.

Co2 isn't a problem. Drop checker is basically yellow all day.

Fish seem fine.

So my question is, what the hell is going on?
Could it be I'm dosing too much kno3 and it's just been building up this hole time? Should I even trust this test kit?
I know! I'm pretty excited. However I have just found another drama. Something just isn't right in my 30g. I've started getting holes in my crypt at the back and the other crypts I put in about 2 weeks have "burnt" tips.

Now I've read this can be caused by lack of phosphate. I dose 3.5x more phosphate than EI recommended. (Keeps the GSA away).
I don't lack phosphate.

I pulled out the nitrate test kit. (First time in a long time) now if that's correct I'm sitting at about 40-80ppm. I find it very hard to believe as I did a 50-60% water change today and only dosed 1g of kno3.
Phosphate test reads 5ppm.

Co2 isn't a problem. Drop checker is basically yellow all day.

Fish seem fine.

So my question is, what the hell is going on?
Could it be I'm dosing too much kno3 and it's just been building up this hole time? Should I even trust this test kit?

When was the last time you changed the DC solution. Are the affected plants in the same area of the tank? Close to diffuser? In good flow?

I think if you have a problem like this best thing might be to go back to basics. Large water changes to remove everything except light and co2. Keep them constant and see what happens. Dose when you see any noticeable deficiencies. Go easy on trace for a while?
When was the last time you changed the DC solution. Are the affected plants in the same area of the tank? Close to diffuser? In good flow?

I think if you have a problem like this best thing might be to go back to basics. Large water changes to remove everything except light and co2. Keep them constant and see what happens. Dose when you see any noticeable deficiencies. Go easy on trace for a while?

Changed the checker last week ;) all plants effected are in the same line in the tank but flow is solid in that area(they have a nice sway).

I'll do another water change today and give the filter a good scrub while I'm there.

Good idea on the ferts. I might dose abit leaner and see what effect I get ;)

Thanks bud!
Filter came for the 90g today! Means I can steal the smaller one and clean it up ready for the 60g.

2000lh canister filter, it's the biggest thing I have ever seen lol.

Pretty keen to plug it in and see how it goes.
Pictures: (1lt Canadian club bottle for idea of size.)
Blimey that is a beast!

It's huge! I must say I'm pretty happy with it. It's completely silent compared to the noisy Aqua one 1200 I have. However the outtake is a little small (only just sits under the water line).
Didn't come with any extensions for the outtake either.

Over all tho for $80 Aus she's a beast. Has a uv light aswell that I will no doubt never use haha. The 90g is now running 7.5x turn over compared to the old 4x turnover. Should make it abit easier to keep the water nice for the big guys.

Oscars been very unimpressed with the change tho, has been attacking me through the glass all day ;)
The HC Cuba I bleached out of the nano is looking pretty ruff. I'm hoping it bounces back. It's not looking good tho. So my carpet will be reduced in half if it doesn't make it.

Not too worried. Once I flood it and crank the co2 it shouldn't take long to grow out.
The HC Cuba I bleached out of the nano is looking pretty ruff. I'm hoping it bounces back. It's not looking good tho. So my carpet will be reduced in half if it doesn't make it.

Not too worried. Once I flood it and crank the co2 it shouldn't take long to grow out.
That sucks bert. Least u will have half left.[emoji2]
Question guys, I'm moving the canister from the 30g to the 60 in a week or 2, I have a BBA issue in the 30g (have had for a long time). I'm guessing that if I just move it over it will bring some BBA spores with it?

I was going to bleach the whole filter (basket, hoses and power head) but would it be infestation be in the media aswell? I don't mind bleaching the sponges but I'd prefer to keep the media as I want to do an instant cycle of the 60g.

So do I need to replace the media or can I use it with no issues?
HC is bouncing back slowly I think. The healthy stuff is already starting to spread. Humidity is about 30+ degrees in there. Currently at about 160 par at substrate.

Plan to drain and replace some water today just to keep it nice and fresh.

Tested all my driftwood, most of it sinks. Just a few larger bit that are floating so I've got them in a bucket with a rock on top to hopefully have them water logged ready for next week.

Bleached all the old filter from the 90g. Just need to get some media to stock it with then it's ready to go on.

Hopefully should be filled and planted next week sometime.
I would replace the media to be safe. Cant wait to see it.

Think I'll rinse bleach the whole filter and then keep the media. I won't have fish in there for a few weeks so i think I'll be able to kill the BBA with lower lighting and 40+ ppm of co2 and lean fert dosing.

This tank will have a lot less lighting than the 30 has (currently running 75% intensity at about 80-100 par.)

New tank will be running about 40-50% (around 50-60 par) to begin with. I'll bump it up if the HC struggles. I'm thinking 50-60 should be fine for HC tho.

Starting a new cycle is just a pain in the butt lol (I'm lazy ;))
I would guess that would be perfect for hc.

Awesome! :) I should still get really good growth rates with my stems etc too. Extremely high light is more trouble than what it's worth if you ask me. It's a constant battle to keep everything in balance and keep the algae away.

I don't think I'm experienced enough yet to be running 100+ par.
Think I'll rinse bleach the whole filter and then keep the media. I won't have fish in there for a few weeks so i think I'll be able to kill the BBA with lower lighting and 40+ ppm of co2 and lean fert dosing.

This tank will have a lot less lighting than the 30 has (currently running 75% intensity at about 80-100 par.)

New tank will be running about 40-50% (around 50-60 par) to begin with. I'll bump it up if the HC struggles. I'm thinking 50-60 should be fine for HC tho.

Starting a new cycle is just a pain in the butt lol (I'm lazy ;))
I hear ya , on starting aquarium cycles
Your better than me. I dont have guts run 60 par. I was gonna and chicken out lol
Have faith Bert. I would expect teething problems initially as the plants settle in. I'm seeing a touch of algae here and there myself and I'm just putting it down to the plants adjusting for now. I think Fresh is seeing a tiny bit too.
Have faith Bert. I would expect teething problems initially as the plants settle in. I'm seeing a touch of algae here and there myself and I'm just putting it down to the plants adjusting for now. I think Fresh is seeing a tiny bit too.

Yea I expect to see a few different types of algae in the first few months while plants adjust/ grow out. Also I'll be tweaking the ferts during this time so anything could explode on me haha. Can't wait! Pretty dam excited!

Think I'm going to try PPS pro instead of EI now I've got the right co2 levels etc.
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