Best HOB filters?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2012
M looking to setting up a new tank. Probably a 20long. What in your opinion is the best brand of HOB filter and why?
i like my emperor 400. for freshwater it is great. it comes with 2 biowheels that culture bacteria. once its fully gunked up, you can float the wheel in your tank for a few minutes and all the fish will devour the nitrosomanas (spelled wrong). it has plenty of filter space, and you dont have to just use carbon. anything will work as long as it fits in the cartridge, and if it doesnt fit, just take the cartridge out and put it right in the container! i used to put chemi pure in one side with filter floss and the other had carbon in the cartridges and more filter floss.
needmorecowbell said:
i like my emperor 400. for freshwater it is great. it comes with 2 biowheels that culture bacteria. once its fully gunked up, you can float the wheel in your tank for a few minutes and all the fish will devour the nitrosomanas (spelled wrong). it has plenty of filter space, and you dont have to just use carbon. anything will work as long as it fits in the cartridge, and if it doesnt fit, just take the cartridge out and put it right in the container! i used to put chemi pure in one side with filter floss and the other had carbon in the cartridges and more filter floss.

Would that be overkill on a 20 gal tank?
nope. i had it on a 30 with no problem. i was going to put it on a ten nano reef but i ended up doing a larger 30 and using a sump. if you are still worried. they sell it half the size. i dont know what its called but its named emperor by marineland.
Best HOBs

M looking to setting up a new tank. Probably a 20long. What in your opinion is the best brand of HOB filter and why?

Hello P...

A Hagen AquaClear 30 would be more than enough filtration for your 20 G. Good filters, reasonable prices and very easy to maintain. All you need is a filter with a gph (gallon per hour) rating about 6 times the volume of your tank. In the case of a 20 G, you'd need a filter with a gph of over 120. An AC 30 gives you a gph of 150.


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