best small fish for all plant tank.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
I'm gonna make a all plant tank. I'm talking a 10 or 20 gallon tank to mass produce plants for my multiple other tanks. I want say 10 to 20 fish depending on the tank of really small fish that poop a lot lol so the plants can also feed of that. Is there anything else I should put in there. Say 5 small fish and a couple host shrimp. I've seen them all over the local LFS. Do they eat plants or are they helpful. Thank you all for your time.
a school of neons? Black phantom tetra's? I've never had a problem with neons/any tetra eating voraciously, the more you feed, the more they poop!
In a 10g you could do nano fish. Ember tetra's or Chili rasboras, a pair of sparkling or licorice, celestial pearl danio's, or a single betta. For a 20 you could do neons, rummy nose tetras or any of the small rasbora if you want to stay with a smaller schooling fish. None of these fish will eat plants.
I think your mistaking how plants grow. What limits how plants grow isn't one single factor, but the most limiting of a number of factors. These factors are: light, CO2/carbon, and nutrients. You can increase nutrients, which in the vast majority of cases is not limiting, and expect to see higher plant growth. You need to increase all factors, especially CO2 and light, to see significant growth.

My point: any species you stock will provide the nitrate for plants. A particularly messy fish isn't going to help you any.

That being said, platies and plecos (in the case of a 20) are good choices.
White Cloud Mountain minnows all though they prefer cooler temp like 18-23 degrees but I have them in my freshwater planted tank and there really fun and active.
I have white cloud minnows, and i really like them. I also have a male betta, neon terras, von rio tetras, and a cpl cories.
Its heavily planted, and everything is going good.


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What a gourgeous tank I will put a photo of my tank which has only white clouds and a fresh water muscle. But they are not in there as they had layed eegs in there so I moved them. I will put a photo of my minnows in there holding tub/tank. The plants in the photo do have eegs on and around them.


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I would say go for a betta or gourami as a centerpiece. With the huge amounts of plants it would be cool.
Easyaqua said:
White Cloud Mountain minnows all though they prefer cooler temp like 18-23 degrees but I have them in my freshwater planted tank and there really fun and active.


I agree, while I have the golden white clouds, they are hardy, eat allot, and they do well with shrimp ( not the babies)
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