Best way to clean a used tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 17, 2011
I picked up a glass 10gallon from Value Village for $8. It seems ok, no cracks or anything, but there's some watermarking / mineral stains on it.

What's the best way to remove that sort of thing? Thanks!
First I'd fill it with water, make sure no leaks. that'll also do some of the work for you.

Then, I generally use pure white vinegar. Wipe the whole thing down inside and out, then do wipe down's with water. You could also do a bleach solution (I think Ten Percent is somethign I've seen suggested) before the vinegar. I'm wary of letting the bleach into my system but others swear by it.

Honestly if it's been dry for any length of time, it should be okay with just vinegar, or so I'd think. Just make sure to clean it with water till you can't smell the vinegar any longer, than let it dry, preferably in the sunlight. Vinegar and water are also good for cleaning the glass once you're using it with fish. Not toxic, like most glass cleaners.
Ammonia is another good option. Disinfects and any residual leftover will be used naturally in the cycling process.
i dont see why pure bleach is a bad idea. all bleach is, is chlorine and given a good wipe down with water in a matter of a day or two all the bleach will have a evaporated like it does when you let your water set.
I'm about to clean a used 220 gal and I was told vinegar and water. I'm soaking the tank overnight (filled it up) and will work on that first. Let me know how it works for you!
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