Betta bubble nest?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 15, 2004
new brunswick
I know abit about male bettas and bubble nests, and about them doing this not onl when breeding but when health and happy. But what I was wondering, and elized that I didn't know anything about how they does this... :oops: how do the blow the bubbles, and will they pop easily... I've never ever seen one up close, just pictures. Sooooo what I was wonderin sence A.A has alot of ppl with great knowledge on bettas... Can anyone tell me how the do this and any other interesting stuff on nest, and if there is anyway to incourage this??? Or just keeping them happy and health or breeding???
Thx in advance!!!!!!!
Hmm good question! I actually have no idea HOW they make them, but iam sure someone else might know. Ways to incourage them to do it are keep them healthy and you can try putting them next to another male or female for a while. But some just arn't big bubble blowers and never make nests, were others make some that cover the whole tanks! They don't pop very easy, unless its drafty and cold.

I don't know exactly (sure someone knows better), but the betta's have a secretion (I'm not sure if it's also I digestive secretion) that allows them to actually blow the bubbles. This also helps the bubbles to stay for longer.

There's not any good way that I've ever found to get a betta to blow bubbles. I've usually had nests built soon after water changes, so clean water probably helps (likely better for the bubbles). Also, you might want to give the betta a place to blow bubbles, either under something (floating cup or decoration, etc) or have a plant the rises to the surface, or above, that can protect the nest from currents and other destroying factors. The betta I have now actually builds his nest right under the HOB filter and nowhere else, which I assume he thinks gives it protection but just leads to it being washed away when he doesn't give it constant up keep. Sometimes any effort you make can be crushed by your fish.
hmmmmmmmm. Ill give it a try... I plan to add a few plants to my tank soon. I'll invest in a few floating ones. I dont have a filter in my tank now cause it was stressing him out to much.
With floating plants be sure to remember that bettas primarily breathe from the air, so be sure that the betta has plenty of access to the surface (sounds like advice from my mother). But otherwise floating plants should be fine. Also, maybe look at large leafed plants, as bettas may often lay on leaves, or java moss (or a similar moss). Just some advice on plants my bettas have liked.
Awsome!! thanks!!! I was thinking A java fern er two and a few floating ones... Not many. I have a 15 gal, but only plan to put maybe one floating plant... I want somthing easy to care for. I'm just thinkingf maybe the java ferns and a Water Sprite but I'm not sure how the water sprite would go with him... What plants do you have?? any easy ones to care for???

thx for your help.
Betta's are air breathers.

They go up to the surface, and gulp air, and expell it through their gills. As it passes it becomes bubbles and gets coated in a slime that retains the bubbles form and make it stick to the others.

A really skilled betta can make 2 or even 3 bubbles at a time, Just to give an idea on how long and hard it is to make those bubble nests for your average betta buddy.
Whoa!! Thats kool... I didn't know that... :oops: Wow if mine ever happens to make one I'll be so happy :D hehehe.
Currently, the plants I have with my betta are mostly java moss and java fern. I also have some anarachis, but that's not doing well in my small, low light tank. Java fern is a great plant that's simple to care for (doen't need anything special and not much light to survive, although growth is slow with low light). My betta will sleep leaning against the roots of the Java fern, though he ignores the leaves (which are fairly small for now).

Good luck with yours.
WOW!!! I've never seen a bubble nest really. Just a few pics. I think im gonna go fer the Java moss and Java ferns. Does anyone know anything about the water sprites????
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