Betta bubble nest?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 17, 2006
Lawrence, KS
So i got my girlfriend a betta a little while ago and it has been ok so far .... yesterday we started noticing that some bubbles were forming on the surface of the water and are not going away .... they are fairly small bubbles and stay to one side of the tank .... is this a betta bubble nest?

Thats good news .... should i remove it from the water or do anything special?

Breeding is a whole other animal, lol...

Like DT said, a bubble nest means the betta is happy and healthy, and his instinct is to build a bubble nest. No need to remove it. An ill male will probably not make a bubble nest. I have never had a female betta and my male bettas have always built bubble nests. I used to "save" the bubbles before a water change by using a spoon to put them in a little plastic cup, and after the water change I would put them back. You don't need to do that...the betta will rebuild after a water change if he wants to. I used to love sitting nearby and hearing "click, click" as they blow their nests. I did notice that after about 8-10 months, as they got a little older, they stopped making the nests.
My betta did the same thing. I loved watching him make the bubble nest! He did it all the time!
cool and no i dont plan on breeding so i have no intentions of getting a female ... this is just my gfs fish ... thanks guys

My male betta also started a bubble-nest after I moved him from a 10g to a small bowl, after some rough-ups.

So it means he's happy? If so I'm so releived, I was sure he'd hate me after such a drastic change in space

He is also flaring quite often, seemingly at nothing, if not me. What is that?

Does he want to breed? Because I was just thinking today about trying that out, though I hear it's quite the endevear.

It's a half-moon if it makes any difference.
I really don't think bubble nests are a good indicator of happiness or health. They will also build one out of territoriality. Having a large nest is not indicative of a good breeder fish either. I've got the worst female killer who will not breed to a ready female and he's got huge nests. I also doubt he'd have anything to do with caring for the eggs.
Bettas build bubble nests when they feel that the fry can tolerate the conditions. In other words, if your male builds a bubble nest, the water is good and clean and is keeping them healthy.

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