Betta Fin Loss

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 1, 2018
Ok time to ask for advice. My delta tail "The Big Guppy" is rapidly losing his fins. :(I think he tore them on a decoration a month ago. He was swimming up a tiny hole in a plastic decoration and as soon as I figured it out I removed it. He is not showing signs of illness. He eats new life spectrum 4 or 5 pellets a day, they are small .5mm size. Once a week he gets 3-4 frozen (thawed) bloodworms. I just picked up some frozen brine shrimp and will be adding that once a week. I also give him and all my fish a fasting day.

I have been doing water changes every other day about 30-50%. A few weeks ago I removed everything from his tank and did 100% water change. His bio-filter is solid I test daily never saw a spike in ammonia or nitrite. Readings are:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate about 10ppm or less with frequent water changes.
Temp 80F
I read about aquarium salt baths so one day I put him in a 2 gallon QT and slowly added dissolved salt over a few hours. He hated it and sat for a while with clamped fins. After 12 hours I slowly acclimated him out of the salt bath and put him back in his tank as it seemed to stress him.

There is so much information out there about treatment and finding the root cause. Methylene blue, antibiotics , salt etc.. I do not see white spots or blood streaks, but some black edges. Does anyone have experience with this? I would be grateful for any advice.
Oh, he is and has always been alone in a 10 gallon filtered tank with baffled outflow.
All I've been doing with mine is changing water 50% every 3 days and adding conditioner. I wipe down the sides and heater, and vacuum the bottom ever time. My veiltail only has 2 bowls in his tank and gravel. I wipe them down too. I dunk his filter cartiridge when it gets caked and I'm careful when adding water I use a battery operated vacuum and when I add the fresh water I put the hose in the corner of the tank and the vacuum part in my bucket, that way it don't push him around. He only had 1/4 of his beautiful tail and I tryed everything. Salt, melafix, different conditioners, bigger water changes. I've been doing the same rutin for about a month now and I got his tail back about 1/2 way. There's thin spots but we're getting there. Been using tetra conditioner. It's along process for tails. My baby blue don't have that black edges anymore. It's all new growth. There's some days I'll do 2-50% Water change. Usually when the cartridge needs dunked. Might wanta try it and see if the black goes always.
Just woundering , what's your ph. I know you have hard water, are you using your tap water or distilled Water? Has the ph ever been up or down on his tank.
I'm starting to go a little deeper in my research and coming across some stuff that might be interesting to you.
Well the big Guppy's fins got really bad despite clean water & covering the filter intake with a sponge. Someone who really knows betta diseases identified the U shaped chunks out of the tail - he's definitely a tail biter. I believe they are now infected so I have resorted to medication. Luckily he doesn't seem stressed by the meds I just hope they work.
My baby female betta from Petco has grown up to be a Veil tail male :lol: Thanks Petco, I now have 3 males. I have learned a lot and one thing for sure is you cannot sex a betta fry that small, so why do they even try? :nono: It was fun to raise a baby fish regardless!
You know I came across something of interest for you. I thought of your betta while reading it. He's got that big tail. Well, I was checking on information about another betta post. Still can't really pin point that one yet. But this might be something to look into. It's about the big tail bones branching. Some bones break causing them to bit their tail. Might be what's going on with him.
You know I came across something of interest for you. I thought of your betta while reading it. He's got that big tail. Well, I was checking on information about another betta post. Still can't really pin point that one yet. But this might be something to look into. It's about the big tail bones branching. Some bones break causing them to bit their tail. Might be what's going on with him. aquatic ghost stormy spirit moss mermaid - Bettas with Disabilities: The Untold Story of Heavily Branched and Extreme Rosetails. - Bettas with Disabilities: The Untold Story of...

Very interesting thanks for the link. I find it very possible, when he swims he did seem weighed down by his tail. I'm considering moving him into a smaller tank (yes smaller) after the medication treatment. I want to see how he does in a 3 gallon placed where all the action is in my apartment. I can't fit his 10 gallon where I want him. My (grown) baby betta is so interactive but he's in a high traffic area, he acts like a dolphin lol.
Lol! That's funny. And that's what my thought was on big guppy. Smaller tank. It's worth a shot. Thought you'd like that info. I know I found it interesting when I read it. Makes sense that's for sure. Overbreeding causes a lot of issues in the long run. Hope it works out for ya' s.

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