Betta fin rot quandry

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The ammonia was reading .5 because the prime had locked it up but the filter had not yet removed it. I checked it the next morning and it was gone (I hadn't seen my kuhlis in a few days so I wanted to make sure I wasn't in an ammonia spike because of a dead fish instead of just because of the PWC).

I did the full course as prescribed by the medication using Jungle Labs Lifeguard. I'm wondering if some cross contamination didn't occur as I took her out of QT and put her in the main tank that my male needed to go back into QT because his finrot reappeared. I've been playing 'betta swap' for almost a week now. My male is now showing the decolorization around the head and down the spine that my female has had (the meds didn't seem to help that at all).

I bleached all my fish stuff tonight and the container I use to store their water. I only hope I got all the bleach off (I didn't use straight bleach).

I'll try to get some pics posted.
Crap, did some reading up...sounds almost like Zebbie had come down initially with columnaris that then caused the 2ndary gill problems and now it's spread to Sammie. The lack of color around the head and down the back is a clue, but Zebbie also had some mouth fungusy stuff. I don't have a second QT tank though.
I would treat them both at the same time in the same tank.

When you first treated, did you use the jungle stuff or did you get the antibiotics?
I just bought some maracyn 1 and 2 that I'm going to dose together for the proscribed time.

I think I will scream though if I put them back in my tanks and they get sick again!!!!

Hmmm....two bettas together in one small tank. Great idea! LOL ;) I bought a small 1 gallon fish bowl for a second QT.
I hear you, and understand. Well, hey you can treat your main tank if you want but it sounds more like an oportunistic infection in your bettas to me. In which case you are medicating other fish who are not sick and possibly knocking out your biofilter which will take several weeks to recover from.

But if you feel in your gut that you should treat the main tank then you have to follow your instincts.
Treat the main tank with Maracyn I & II, you likely wipe out your biofilter. Bad idea unless totally, absolutely necessary.
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