I love my bettas. My male and female get along perfectly. My tank is a 10gal, currently only has lucky bamboo.
My bettas just had their second batch of fry, there was only a few survivors in the first batch, who are still tiny according to the growth chart.
My fish are apparently REALLY picky and i'm wondering what everyone feeds their betta fry.
I used egg yolk for my first batch, but it spoiled the water way too much. Also, bought adult brine shrimp, which they don't like at all - not even the adult bettas. Tried dried bloodworms. For my second batch, I bought algae wafers and Hikari first bites. Those have worked so far, but only for beginnings.
How easy is it to hatch my own brine shrimp? If that's what you suggest.
What should I be feeding them?
My bettas just had their second batch of fry, there was only a few survivors in the first batch, who are still tiny according to the growth chart.
My fish are apparently REALLY picky and i'm wondering what everyone feeds their betta fry.
I used egg yolk for my first batch, but it spoiled the water way too much. Also, bought adult brine shrimp, which they don't like at all - not even the adult bettas. Tried dried bloodworms. For my second batch, I bought algae wafers and Hikari first bites. Those have worked so far, but only for beginnings.
How easy is it to hatch my own brine shrimp? If that's what you suggest.
What should I be feeding them?