betta in a 2 gallon?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 9, 2003
I have a novelty 2 gallon tank (water surface is less than ideal for the volume), and I'm wondering if it would be large enough to house a betta.

It was part of a kit that had an undergravel filter, and bubble wall...which was a real mess, imo...any thoughts on how a betta would do with this? Or suggestions on a better set-up?

I'm not really looking to set it up right now...just kind of investigating for future reference ;)

thanks guys!
No problems there. That is a great size for a Betta. The minimum size IMO. You could probably also add some java fern or a nice silk plant and maybe a snail for company and cleaning!!
my betta is doing awesome in a 2 gal hex, and he's getting pretty big too. His fins are awesome and he seems happy.

awesome :)

I'm thinking of making it my first venture into a planted tank.

just waiting for my new-ish 10 gallon to get settled...(and trying to figure out the appropriate wating period before launching a new tank, so as not to get too many comments on my slight obsession!)
sweetsuvvyb: I know what you mean. I started a 10 gal back in June, just added a 2 gal hex with Felix the Betta in my office at work and I'm trying to convince my wife that we need a bigger tank at home. I am obsessed!
Hey, Sesos ... I hear ya'!!! I started a 1.5 gallon in may, a 20 gallon in June, a 50 gallon a few weeks ago, and now I two have a hex tank on my office desk. I am totally suffering from MTS !!! ha, ha
I was going to stick a Betta or two in the Hex at my desk at work, but then someone suggested a few White Cloud Minnows. I guess I will just have to get another tank for the Betta... ha, ha
But, I understand about trying to convince the spouse to go 'BIG' :lol:
He isn't really into my tanks... He like to go to the lakes/ocean and catch the Fish, not really thrilled to have them all over our house. :wink:
By the way.. I am from the Ventura area too.. well, actually ventura county.
Good luck with the new office betta!!!
*looks at HOLLIEO and laughs*

You KNOW how bad I have it. Went from 1 8-10g hex tank last year, to a 55g, a 25g, two 10g and that good ol hex tank. We really need a 12 step group round here LOL Cause I'm thinkin, after reading these and some other posts, a Betta would be nice to have on my desk at work...

Just think, one less betta in one of thos dixie cups at the store, he'd be SO happy to live on your desk at work. My 2 gal hex kit + Felix was $25, a bargain! :twisted:
I just might...but not till Sept when I go back (I'm an OT in a public school). Theres an empty 1 or 2g "goldfish bowl" that I let won't anyone use for goldfish, just sitting in the room.

I'd have to drag the lil guy back n forth during vacations/summer tho...think its a good idea? Don't wanna stress the lil dude too much.

Just some thoughts on sweets' original post. What sort of filtration is good? I know some peeps just do water changes, but since I wouldn't be around on weekends I'd feel better knowing there was a filter in there. Do bettas like bubbles? I keep reading conflicting opinions on that one.
yea...i'd love to know about bubbles + filters.

i have the bubbler....obviously gonna deep 6 the UGF for a planted tank (which is fine by me...that thing was naaaasty). But what about a filter?

I think seeing the bettas in their little cups is what's driving me sad!

the hinderance? I live in a one room apartment!!
I just had to drop in here and encourage Alli to definitely rescue a betta (as well as anybody else who possibly can.) I just saved a beautiful one from two inches of water in a tiny cup at Petco the other day. He is now in a 1.5 gallon bowl, where he has built a gigantic bubble nest which he spends all his time guarding. I'm not going to put a filter in the bowl, because I think the current would bother him. I am just going to do very frequent water changes.

People on this board know so much about fish, and bettas require so little (although "so little" is apparently a lot more than most pet stores feel they require.) I am loving mine so much, and it felt so good to save him. So I just wanted to encourage anyone who has the space & money for at least a gallon tank, and time for frequent water changes, to save a petstore betta from its dim fate.

Alli, I have also heard they travel very well in a Tupperware container with air holes- even a story of one girl who transported one this way on a plane to and from Japan! I am sure moving him a couple times a year will not be too stressful for him.

One more thing, since I got on the topic of transporting bettas. I read something about bettas being shipped to pet stores in damp paper towels? Has anyone heard of this? It's disgusting if it's true. I was also unimpressed to read a caption on one of the tanks at the Amazon exhibit at the zoo saying cory catfish are popular aquarium fish because they can be transported in wet moss. I don't understand why people can't at least attempt to ship fish in water. :roll:
I think you've convinced me. who needs counter space anyways?!

so is it realistic that gravel + java fern + 2 gallon tank = happy home for a betta? Will the fern grow in gravel? I have no problems with frequent water changes....since I'm already doing those to keep up with my poop factories in the 10g....
Oh sweet, i thought you were already convinced. :D I don't know much about java fern, but a 2 gal. tank w/ live plant will definitely be a happy home for him. The plants I have in my 10 gal. grow fine in gravel, and i think most FW plants in stem form do. Is java fern one of those, or the kind that you tie onto a piece of driftwood?

Yay, i'm excited now. :D When are you going to get him?
LOL, O i was convinced...I was just going to wait till my 10gallon was a little more settled. But who needs settled? Might as well have 2 tanks cycling at once...the more the merrier!

Someone mentioned on the 1st page of this thread that a java fern would work with a betta in a 2 gallon. I'll probably do some research, to figure out exactly what kind of plant to get, if it'll grow on gravel...and how to run a fishless cycle with a plant...hmm....THEN i'll go rescue one of the poor guys at Petco.

The short (but vague) answer....soon!
Sooooo,...bettas don't like bubbles? The 2 gal hex I bought came with a ugf and makes lots of bubbles. If Felix would be happier without them, I'll pull the plug. Can someone chime in with their valuable betta knowledge and give me a little guidance? Pretty please?
just a thought...

I too hate seeing all of those little stale cups with a betta just sitting in there. I have been told it is ok for them, but to me a cup of living space is not living at all. BUT, it does come to mind that if you buy a betta to rescue it, wont the store firgure they are just selling really well and buy more..... and in that case worsen the problem?

When my son first wanted a pet, we let him buy a betta. The bowl that the store recommended was so tiny it probably only fit 1-2 cups of water. We ended up getting him a larger bowl so that he could swim around a bit.

Generally, bettas sell really well students, kids...people who want them in their offices...and I'd hazard to say that most of those people end up keeping them in one of those tiny little cups. It isn't really "ok" for them in there..."ok" and "alive" are different in my book.

So if the fish are going to sell anyway...well, we're just doing our part to make sure it goes to a happy home. :)
I just got home from running errands. :oops: I was waiting for my son to finish therapy and so I walked into St. Vincints thrift store. I ended up walking out with a 10 gallon tank + accessories for 20 dollars. There is a heater, airpump, breeding container, plants, HOB filter, some tubing, and air stones. I am thinking that if the tank is ok I will put my betta in it.

So, I am now curious about the air bubbles question. I would like to set it up really nice for him. My hubby is going to think I am insane for buying another tank. :roll:

Bubbles are fine.
I would love to rescue as many bettas that I could buy, but they thing is, once thoughs ones are gone the store is just gonna get more then more will have to suffer. So I have convinced most of the petstores around me to keep their bettas in 1L containers, or just change the water more often. They are ok in the little cups as long as the water is kept clean, but I mean really what kinda life is that? Stuck in a little cup with barley enough room to move.....sad

I havn't heard of the papertowl thing, but i've heard of them being frozen when shipped :evil: Apperently they just freeze em and thaw them out when they get to the store! I bet only a few live, if any at all. :(

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