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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 7, 2011
i have a 10 gallon aquarium with 5 neons and 4 von rio tetras. its a planted aquarium with x mas moss, crypts, bocopa australius, and a bunch of amazon swords. could i add a betta, or would this be too over crowded?
a pic will be added soon, thanks.
i have a whisper filter, i think it cycles my tank 6 or 7 tines an hour. im buying an api master kit soon, but the last time i had my water checked it, everything was 0, and i do a weekly 25 percent wc.
Mumma.of.two said:
Up your weekly water change to 50%. IMO a Betta will be fine but keep an eye out for nipping from the Betta and the tetras. Make sure there is nothing sharp to rip the bettas fins and the filter doesn't knock him about.
Heres a DIY baffle to slow the flow of a hob.

Ditto to all of the above. I would add some taller plants so the Betta can float near the surface and rest on the leaves - plus it just helps with aggression issues sometimes to break up the line of sight. I made that baffle for one of my tanks and it works great. I can't quite tell from the pic but it looks like you have the tetra whisper internal filter? If that's the case you probably don't need the baffle- they are perfect for Betta tanks.
okay, i dont know if i wanna do a male or a female betta. the males are really cool and all, but theres a femsle at my lfs, and its black and blue. its also about an inch and a half long, im torn on which to get! lol
i may get a female betta, theres one at my lfs that is blue and black, and looks awesome. it could prob swim better too bcuz its fins arnt super long. i think im going to get it tommarrow.
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