Bettas I rescued from walmart

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 3, 2012
I just recently lost my lovely little rainbow Betta and while I was at my local store (walmart) looking for medication for my dying betta I noticed the cups of bettas on the shelf. I always have to look at them whenever I come by. Unfortunately, I don't think the people at the store really know a lot about betta care and I often find bettas with dirty water and fin rot, but I look at them anyways. They had some rather pretty crowntails this time and as my eyes drifted back to the very back of the shelf I saw a crowntail that I first assumed to have a major fin rot issue. As I inspected it closer I noticed pieces of fin scattered all over the bottom of the small cup and something else....a second betta!!!! Yes, evidently something happened to one of the betta cups and they didn't have an extra so someone decided that they could just dump the fish into one of the other cups and the two would be fine together. It was such a sad sight to see these two bettas all tattered and torn. One of them doesn't have much of his fins left at all. I couldn't stand to see them stay like that and kill each other so I bought them. They are now separated. One is in a 2.5 gallon bowfront planted tank (I hink he's still trying to figure out what the green leafy things are) and the one with almost no fins if now in my isolation tank so I can watch him more closely for signs of infection but I'm not sure he's going to make it. :( If you could see these two bettas it would bring tears to your eyes. I'm not sure if I can post pics or not but I'll try later.

I am treating them with Melafix and I was wondering if Stress Coat would react with it? Or does the Melafix do the same thing as the stress coat? I know quite a bit about fish care (especially for Bettas) but would appreciate any advice you guys can give me on how to help these poor fish. They look so pitiful and I want to do all I can for them.
I thought it acted as a stress coat but I thought you weren't suppose to use the full dosages with bettas?? That's what I have read although I have in the past with me negative reactions... Hope he makes it ok:( I love bettas:(
I didn't put a lot in the tanks, less than 1/4th of a teaspoon. The only dosing info it gave on the bottle was for ten gallons so I just put a few drops in each tank.
UPDATE: The two bettas seem to be doing a bit better. The one that has very little fins left (I'm calling him Lucky) made it through the night despite his awful condition. I really hope he keeps hanging in there. The other is still trying to get used to his new tank. I think I may do another dose of Melafix tonight. Unless someone else has any other suggestions. I really don't want their fins getting infected. (Especially Lucky's)
Sharkbait54 said:
You know the sad truth is I bet some kids put those bettas together do they could fight.

Sad but true. I have a co-worker who quite a few years ago worked in the pet section of Walmart & has told me that they used to do that all the time. Hope your Bettas get well soon!
Very sad but good on you for saving them. It's inspired me to rescue some this weekend from a lfs living in somewhat similar conditions.
I have no personal experience using Melafix with my bettas, but have read that it can be harmful to the labryinth organ. The active ingredient is tea tree oil, which damages the organ. I don't know if it's true or not but thought I'd share just in case.

Lots of clean water (temp matched and conditioned) is probably what will encourage healing the most.

Thank you for rescuing them and I hope they both survive.
UPDATE: I decided not to give them another dose just in case it was harmful to them (Not sure if it is or not but didn't want to chance making their condition worse) So instead I did a water change and added a little bit of salt to both their water and added a little more stress coat. Bruce ate his two pellets today quite happily but Lucky, (His nickname is now "Sharkbait") the one with he really torn up fins, takes some coaxing to eat. He won't eat pellets when I put them in there but he will nibble on tropical fish flakes if I put them in there. I know that flakes are not the best thing to feed Bettas but I've tried both pellets and bloodworms and flakes are the only thing he will eat right now. I figure as long as he eats something maybe when he gets better I'll start giving him just pellets. I'm still worried about Lucky but he still seems to be hanging in there. If he makes it through the week and seems to be doing better I'll buy him a tank of his own. Bruce is in my old betta tank and right now my isolation tank is the only thing I have to keep Lucky in and I don't want to put a filter in there because it's so small and I'm afraid the current will stress him out. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to put either betta in my 20gallon tank because my Dwarf Gourami has an attitude.

I've been doing 100% water changes on Lucky's tank and 35-50% water changes on Bruce since he is in a planted and filtered tank. I hope they keep getting better. I am going to try to feed Lucky some more flakes tonight as he didn't eat more than a few small pieces and barely ate anything yesterday. I'm trying to keep the water warm (around 80-82 degrees F) If anyone has any suggestion on something else I should try I'd love the hear them.
I think it's really nice what you did. I came here expecting to read a lecture on how you can't rescue bettas from cups, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Laser said:
I think it's really nice what you did. I came here expecting to read a lecture on how you can't rescue bettas from cups, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I hate to be the one to start because I'm verry happy for you and your betta :) but by purchasing that fish you probably condemned two more unfortunately :( .... When will the stores understand the cups/bags just don't cut it.
I hate to be the one to start because I'm verry happy for you and your betta :) but by purchasing that fish you probably condemned two more unfortunately :( .... When will the stores understand the cups/bags just don't cut it.

I do understand that and I really hate buying fish from a store that obviously doesn't need to have live fish but I just couldn't leave them there to die like that. I do plan on going back and talking to the store manager about it. The store was too busy the day I went to get them and I wanted to get them back home as quickly as possible. Honestly, I was surprised Lucky made it back home alive.

UPDATE: There is hope for Lucky yet! I gave him another flake this evening and he ate every bit of it! I'm so glad he's finally showing more interest in eating. :) He's also beginning to get a little more color back into him. If he continues to get better, I'll buy him a nice little tank of his own and he can move out of the isolation tank. (which is only about 3 liters but still, it's bigger than that little cup he was in) Bruce looks very happy in his tank and absolutely LOVES the live plants I have in there. (I believe they are a type of Crypt) I'll try to get pictures of the Bettas tomorrow so you guys can see.:)
Okay here are a few pictures of my little Bettas. I should add that Lucky does not actually live in that cup he was only there while I changed out his water.


I know it's hard to imagine but Lucky actually looked worse than this when I brought him home.


Sorry, Bruce refused to hold still long enough to get a good picture. It's hard to tell but Bruce's fins are actually pretty torn up and both of them have scales missing.
I can appreciate you feeling sorry for the fish, but as mentioned above, you have now added to the store's profit margin, thus allowing them to continue to treat their fish this way.

And I have to say, please do not call this a rescue. It was a purchase. I have been involved in dog rescue for over 20 years. It wrenches my stomach every time I hear someone refer to a WalMart betta purchase as a "rescue". That term has strong meaning to people like me and should not be tossed around lightly. I hope you understand.
I do understand LyndaB. You are right. I did pay for them at a store. I did not mean to offend anyone. I was only trying to say that I had removed them from a deadly situation. (Which is what the word "rescue" means in the dictionary) That was all I meant. I really and truly do understand the difference between a dog rescue and buying a dying fish at walmart. My grandparents have eight stray dogs (four puppies) a stray cat and a horse that nobody wanted because she can't be ridden that they have taken in. I really didn't mean to imply that what I did was the same thing. As for giving walmart money for abusing their fish I understand that too. But I fell like I would have been just as much to blame as the store if I had just left an innocent creature there to die. That was why I bought them. I honestly don't know why they keep getting Bettas. I can't imagine they actually sell that many. (Actually, I only paid for one of them because they were in one jar so technically they didn't get much money from me.)

Again, I did not mean to demote the word "rescue." I was only using it in it's most literal term. I also did not mean to offend anyone by doing so.
I have bought a few bettas from Walmart. My Walmart by my house actually does a pretty good job with their fish and bettas. The one I "rescued" Stanley from was not doing so good with theirs. I think the care should be compared as store to store just like pet stores. Sometimes you get people working there that actually do care. A lot of the bettas at my Walmart are taken out of the containers and set up in some other larger set ups and they sell the whole set up. They usually look real good.
I should mention that my local PetsMart as of last weekend has started taking the male bettas out of the plastic cups and putting them in with other species in the larger tanks. It's a definite step in the right direction.
Good on you! At least you know them bettas will have a happy life. Plus your going to the store to say something about plastic cups, so to fair, you have done a good thing. Hopefully they will listen to what you have to say and put them in with other fish. I hope lucky is doing okay :)

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