Biodiverse Nano Build

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
Welp I decided to go for it! This is gonna be a dirted, biodiverse, uber-planted, nano aquarium! I really hope it turns out well.

Planned stock:
Red cherry shrimp
Thai micro crabs
Ramshorn snails
Malaysian trumpet snails
Assassin snails
Maybe another more colorful snail
Scarlet badis
Bamboo shrimp
And something else......

Plant wise Im kinda lost. Going to try downoi. I have some tall balisnera crypts as well. I want some plants kinda tall but Im not into trimming lol so Im trying to get a balance. I also plan on flame moss.

Its a 25 gallon tall and will have finnex fugeray planted led.

I intend on doing some cool caves. Anyone know how to drill holes in rock? Lol I havent figured that one out yet.

Anyway love to hear suggestions and comments. Or just follow along and see how it goes :) The next week could be boring since I work 12 hour days and am working through the messy dirted tank phase.

Thanks and God bless!
I wonder if african dwarf frogs would eat they smaller tankmates if I addee them. Thoughts?
Come on is nobody interested in this build?
I am working 12 hours on night shift all week so this week is just letting everything settle. Will try to do some large water changes and add some gravel.
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