Black Moor Goldfish

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Lainey183 said:
Good morning all. I wanted to update you on how Manny is doing.

Today he seems to be sort of laying on his side, and is having some trouble swimming. I was able to get him to eat a couple of bites of peas.

Could he have that swimmers belly thing too?

Do a PWC and see how he goes. Test your water beforehand. You'll be surprised how fast the ammonia builds up.
I did the water change. I didn't test it first. I also did 2 water changes yesterday. One of them right before bed. I plan to continue to try to do them every 12 hrs.

I will test again in a few hours and if needed throw in an extra PWC. I just don't want to stress him out too badly.
How does your water look today? If there is ANY ammonia or nitrites, do a big pwc with temp matched water & water conditioner. Poor water conditions can aggravate swim bladder issues in goldfish-they can display symptoms even days after the water is back to normal. Hopefully, with healthy water, he will recover on his own. I would only feed him plain, cooked deshelled peas & other veggies (cooked spinach, broccoli, zucchini) for the next few days & see if this (along with healthy water) is enough to help him. Please keep us updated!
I am sorry, I didn't test because I figured there was ammonia. (Since I really just started the cycling process.) I will test in a little bit though. I have been feeding him peas. I will also try some broccoli. How small should I cut up the broccoli?

Also, since he was primarily a flake eater before, he seems very confused by his food sinking and he tries to look on the top for the food. Will he get used to his new feeding?
Look for broccoli florets (flower/head part) & cooked enough that it sinks. Most goldfish (when they feel good) naturally scout & scavenge on the bottom of tanks on the constant look out for food. He will learn to pick at stuff thats around his tank when he gets hungry enough. You should also invest in quality food for him (hikari is my guys favorite)-the flakes will only aggravate any swim bladder issues. He should recover with healthy water though so just stay on top of your water changes & testing.
Not a whole head, LOL!! A cooked floret about the size of a quarter/ half dollar. Remove any uneaten veggies after 24hrs & replace with fresh ones. If you want to give him something to pick at that floats, give him a little chunk of fresh watermelon. It may take him a bit before he realizes he can eat what you are offering him.
Ok, Thanks for the clarification!! I will try that for his dinner!
I just ran a water test, here are the results.

Amm. 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0

I changed the water at around 11am and plan to change it again at about 10pm.
Ok! Your water looks good right now! You dont have to do another wc right now if you dont want to. Just keep a daily watch on your numbers & do wcs as needed when you see amm/nitrites or your nitrates hit 20. Let us know how things are going & how your little guy (or girl) is doing! :)
I call him a boy.... hopefully it is. I will update you all tomorrow on how he is doing.
Hello, I wanted to update you all on todays progress.

This morning when I tested ammonia was at an all time high of .50 (all time high since testing began, anyway).

I did the water change. I plan to do another tonight.

I made Manny a "special jello" recipe that I found online and he really seems to enjoy it.

I am just concerned because he really seems to be struggling to get off of the bottom of the tank.

I haven't gotten a chance to see how is tummy is looking (the red spots) because he has been laying on it so much.

I am so worried!!!

I wish I could do more!
Ok! Thanks for the update! Lets get your ammonia under control & see if he can recover on his own with healthy water. At this point, its a bit hard to consider doing anything else because of the ammonia levels & frequent water changes that need to be done to keep him healthy. Im glad he liked his gel food- if i had more time, my guys would be getting homemade foods all the time!
Hello, time for my daily update.

This morning his ammonia was at an all time high *since testing began* at 1.0.

He seems to produce more ammonia over night.

Anyway, I did two 40% water changes in a row to get it down do an acceptable level. (I can't do more at a time due to the weight of the bucket.) In the even I try to change as much as I can suck out because my husband can dump the bucket for me.

He seems to be feeling a bit better today, I think.
Goldfish are big ammonia producers which is why they require more water than most other fish. Keep up the good work with water changes! Lifting those buckets are a great workout! :)
I just realized that I was not supposed to be cleaning the rocks.


A little sad about that, but back to square one I guess.

I did a 90% change this morning, and although ammonia remains around 1.0 between changes Manny does seem to be feeling better, so that is keeping my spirits up!

Thanks for all of your help. I will continue to update you all!
You dont have to clean rocks daily but do suck up any debris/poop thats on the bottom so it doesnt contribute to your ammonia issues. You can just run the grav vac over over the surface to suck it up with the water. Keep up the good work with water changes & keep us posted! :)
I have been pondering getting a bigger fish tank. Would it be better to get the one I currently have cycled first?

We are thinking about getting a second fancy, because my husband feels that Manny may be lonely.

Also, how horrible would it be to put a second fancy in the 10 gal? Since I am already changing the water 2 to 3 times a day?

I know I said I wasnt going to get another fish, but the hubby usually gets what he wants.
Lainey183 said:
I have been pondering getting a bigger fish tank. Would it be better to get the one I currently have cycled first?

We are thinking about getting a second fancy, because my husband feels that Manny may be lonely.

Also, how horrible would it be to put a second fancy in the 10 gal? Since I am already changing the water 2 to 3 times a day?

I know I said I wasnt going to get another fish, but the hubby usually gets what he wants.

I would strongly advise waiting to get at larger tank (30g + for two fancies) considering what's happening in your tank already. Adding another fish to an already overstocked cycling tank is a recipe for disaster IMO.
I have been pondering getting a bigger fish tank. Would it be better to get the one I currently have cycled first?

We are thinking about getting a second fancy, because my husband feels that Manny may be lonely.

Also, how horrible would it be to put a second fancy in the 10 gal? Since I am already changing the water 2 to 3 times a day?

I know I said I wasnt going to get another fish, but the hubby usually gets what he wants.
I agree with Mumma-this is not a wise decision to put another fancy in the 10gal. 30+gal tank is fine for two fancies. Resist the urge to purchase another fish until you can responsibly & properly care for them in an appropriate sized tank. We have to take their well being, health, & care into consideration in order to ensure they have happy, healthy, long lives-this is being a responsible pet owner of any animal including fish. I really hope you can convince your husband not to add another fish until you are ready for the addition!!! Good luck!
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