Black Spot on ADF

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 18, 2011
Cranbrook, BC
I am new here so hopefully this has not already been asked. I have an ADF that has developed a big black spot on the bac of his head. It started small and seems to be getting bigger, any idea what this could be? He seems fine, eating and active.
Hello, welcome to AA. So sorry you didn't get any answers on this yet, sometimes there isn't much activity over in amphibians. Hows the frog doing? Can you post a pic of it? This could be a parasite or an ammonia burn. What size tank is the frog in? What else is in the tank with it? What is your water change regimen? And do you have a test kit to test your water parameters such as ammonia?
Thank you for your reply.
The frog seems to be doing well, I am still waiting for the tank to cycle so I have been checking the ammonia levels daily and doing frequent water changes. He is in a 4 gallon tank by himself, I started with two frogs but the ammonia got high and one died (as I said I am new at this and did not know about cycling). Since he was in an environment with high ammonia the burn would make sense, and the mark does not seem to be getting bigger, I will try and post a picture.
Thanks again,
OK. I would add some stress coat. The aloe will help soothe the burn. Add some live plants if you haven't already..these are very benenficial to your froggies and can help with the cycle. Then once it's cycled, get him a few buddies so he isn't lonely. Happy to help with any questions you have along the way :)
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