Blue Ram Feeding

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 29, 2011
Miami, FL
I'm having a bit of an issue with my 2 new blue rams. I've had them for 3 days now, and they;ve been eating a few bugs and worms that have somehow gotten into my tank. But when i try and feed them fish food, my Harlequin Rasboras and Guppies torpedo the food before it sinks to the bottom where the Rams usually stay. I feed them Flake food and Frozen bloodworms, mixing every few days. Are any of the Cichlid pellets sold at stores good for blue rams?

I've tried a few methods for feeding the Rams, by putting the food in the filter and letting the water flow jet it to the bottom (harlequins divebomb the food). and sticking my hand into the tank and putting the food at the bottom (Guppies always got to it first).
Rams can be a bit shy during feeding time - but like all fish, the hungrier they get, the more actively they will pursue food and compete.

The harlequins are pretty darned fast though - This might be an ongoing issue with the rams, but in time they may decide they've had enough. Rams do like it rather hot - hotter than the fish you have. I've seen them do OK in cooler tanks, but they seem to really thrive at closer to discus temps. (Bolivian rams do not - but they are a different species).

I've fed a lot of small to medium cichlids the tetra color bits (the little red sinking pellets) - I've seen most rams warm up to them, although some seem not to like them as much as flakes and bloodworms.
try feeding foods to big for the other fish to take whole,i had the same problem getting food to my raph cat,rainbow shark,and breeding pair of jewel cichlids. the black skirts would always get food first,so i stopped breaking up bthe shrimp pellets and all is now good
I have my guys I quarantine currently in a BB tank, and they are eating up NLS Thera +a formula. Never a scrap left, and it sinks fairly quickly...
i feed my german blue rams an assortment of food. flake, pellet and live black worms. they actually take the pellets right from my hand. by that i mean they come to the top of the water and open their mouth. i drop the pellet into their mouth. i distract the other fish by giving them some flake food. if you use cichlid pellets you only need to make sure they get 1 or 2 and then whatever else they eat. i feed aqueon mini cichlid pellets. they also sink. i also feed live black worms every other day. they are good for all fish and boy do they love them! i think live food makes al ot of difference in the health, growth and coloring of fish.
might give the pellets a try, earlier i took a few of the snails that were inhabiting my tank and crushed their shells. the Rams feasted on the gooey innards, the harlequins and guppies weren't big enough to catch the shells as they fell. I will probably go buy some pellets by friday, the rams seem to be content eating whatever live food comes out. They might of cleared my bug problem rather well. Any more suggestions for pellets for my Blue Rams?
Yeah this is common for them. Try a small sinking cichlid pellet, or even a sinking flake.
Not sure if they still make tetra marin pellets - but those were another small cichlid and eartheater staple.

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