Bored Corys?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2005
Perth. Western Australia
Hello hello

I have 3 corys. When I started out I only had one, and he (assuming he's a he :p) was ALWAYS swimming around. He'd never stop, constantly scavenging around, very active, never still always doing something.

I then heard that corys should be in groups so I fond him 2 friends, but since I've added the two other corys all of them do very little. Always just sitting (well not sitting but you know what I mean) around.

Perhaps when the first guy was alone he was just really stressed out? and that's why he was swimming around so much?
BUT it wasn't like, fast stessed swimming though. He was just always fosiking around you know how they do.

Perhaps I just need to add more? I know they like bigger groups than three but as you can see my 20g is getting quite full!
Any ideas as to why my corys are so boring?
Oh, btw. water parametres are fine. Checked them only yesterday...
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate about 5ppm. low I know...
ph. 6.5...low I know. Could this perhaps affect corys?

Thanks in adavance.
Your params are just fine for corys Ry. The reason they may appear "bored" is because they are mostly nocturnal. They are most active at night and tend to find hiding spots during the day.

I think I've heard that somewhere before, about the nocturnal thing.
I guess mine are pretty confident then, becasue they just stake out there ground in the middle of the tank in the big clear patch gravel and just sit there bold as brass (If i may).
Even I can't move them! I have to literally poke them with my finger to get them swimming around!...not that I do that though...:p

Ok, so thanks Brian, cheers.
my cories did this for awhile too, but once i put a powerhead in, they got alot more active. :)
my cories are active almost all the time o.o my green and albino are like joined at the hip and my julii is off by itself most of the time and I can't find anymore to give it a friend >__<
my corys seem like they never sleep! they're ALWAYS active during the day, which made me believe that they weren't nocturnal...but then when i flip on the moon light at night sometimes they're still out and about

but my cories do sit around every so often. i think it's just something they do sometimes
I have 7 juli cories and I never see them unless I remove their hiding places.
Thanks for all that guys :)

Krap101: Why do you think that putting in a powerhead might has kickstarted your corys? Cleaner water? more water agitation? More noise?
I just have a hob filter. I think it does a good enough job, though I do need to clean it every month.

Perhaps 3 corys is still a little too little? I know they like groups as big as possible but would adding a few more, and perhaps taking our my danios, maybe get them looking more lively/happy?

Faster water movement will get them moving around. I have 14 babies in my tank and they go through the same cycle my cat seems to. Play like they are wired on caffiene for an hour or so and then nothing for an hour. They are in a 10 gallon tank right now, until I build a stand for my 25 gallon high. I think the thing that makes the most difference is the same size cory. I had the adults in the tank up til a couple weeks ago and the babies were never as active as they are now.
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