Brackish questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 10, 2005
Denton TX
Does anybody know of any algae eaters that can be kept in a brackish tank? I haven't been able to find any information on which algae eaters, if any, can tolerate salt. I'm getting a bit of brown slimy stuff on the glass (freshwater fluorescent light) and some hard, dark green crusty stuff on the plants and airline tubing.

It's a 30 gal. tall tank, and the salinity usually stays pretty low, around 1.008, but when I do water changes I sometimes get it as high as 1.014. I have a phosphate pad on a little Duetto stuck to the side as well as an Emperor 400 with carbon/zeolite and sponges.

I currently have a 7" silvertip shark, 3 red chromides, 2 adult mollies, one black knight goby, 2 mono argentus (one 5" and one only 2 1/2" mouth to tail) and 2 scats. As soon as I can find them, I'm going to get another goby and 2 or 3 more monos.

I've also been thinking about getting a green/spotted/leopard puffer or a figure 8 puffer. The only reason I've been hesitant about the puffer is a) for the sake of the fins of my other fish, and b) for the sake of my shark, who might make a meal out of him and I'd end up losing both of them. I love the little puffers, but should I even try it? Should they be bought in pairs, threes, schools, or singly? I'd like my fish to keep their fins, and nobody is aggressive at all except when the big mono chases the little mono. Would these guys wreak havoc on my tank?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
I would forget about adding anymore fish because you are already overstocked as it is. The green spotted puffers need a minimum of 30 gallons for 1 fish without any others in there. The scats, monos and shark are all really too big to be kept in a small tank. Eventually you will run into problems keeping them all in the 30 and you may see increased aggresion among them.
penpitt said:
I would forget about adding anymore fish because you are already overstocked as it is. The green spotted puffers need a minimum of 30 gallons for 1 fish without any others in there. The scats, monos and shark are all really too big to be kept in a small tank. Eventually you will run into problems keeping them all in the 30 and you may see increased aggresion among them.

Good point...I was a bit hasty typing in my response (and not reading enough of te original post)...that tank is quite over-crowded would do well to get rid of the scats and the shark at least.
Weird question, the puffer i used to have( not the one that died today) i put some decorations in with him, a little tower and a fake plant. A couple of days after that he died. Would they have anything to do with him dying? Also with the cycle thing from Nutrafin, how long should i add a fish after i put that stuff in?
Oops, i didnt even notice i didnt put this in my thread. Sorry for that. Thanks for the info greenmaji, how can i keep it steady?
My scats are right now the size of dimes. The monos are also fairly small by mono standards. I fully realize they're going to get bigger, which is why I'm looking into 75 and 100 gal tanks. ...And places to put the tanks. :) I'm overfiltering (Emperor 400 on a 30 gal. tank) and everybody's still fairly small (excepting the shark), so it really isn't overcrowded. Yet. But yes, I do plan to upgrade, it's just a matter of finding a tank right now.

The puffers I've been looking at are all about 1 1/2" mouth to tail, why is it that they need 30 gal each? And what's a normal max size for them?
Pufferpunk said:
Scats grow as large as your outstreched hand. size for scats is 13" long (man you must have big hands, pufferpunk. :wink: ), and 10"-12" is not that uncommon in large home you may be looking at more around 350G to house your current bunch a couple of years down the line.
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