Bring down SG

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 1, 2005
Today I had a trusted LFS check my salinity with a refractometer. Unfortunately my hydrometer is reading .05 off. What I thought was a SG of 1.025 is actually 1.030.

I had my heart set on starting with my corals but it looks like it will be another week getting the SG down to the proper level. Question is how fast can I do this. There is your typical clean up crew and a skunk cleaner which I am told is quite sensitive to fluctuating SG changes.

Whats worse is I have been maintaining this level for the past five months. I must have easily wasted a whole bag of salt mix over that time making water changes with what turned out to be more mix than I needed.

I was thinking bring the SG down 1 per 24 hours with WCs replaced with fresh RO in twelve hour shifts.
Bringing it down "1 part" every 24 hours is fine. A steady 1.030 is not nearly as bad as it changing constantly. You could drain out some water and do a fresh water drip so the change would be even milder. You can get a refractometer for around $40 online. It would be a good investment.
I just know that it has to be done slowly. Not as slow as going up but still slow. 1 part per day should be OK.
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