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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Well, my tank does this every night at around 8:30-9:00pm. I was kinda shocked since I have a high bioload..

This picture is the right side of my tank, they grey smudges heading towards the top of the tank are oxygen bubbles.


This is the jungle that the hygro turned into, it's staying on that side of the tank so I've just let it do it's thing. it grows far to fast..


The tank has a KH of 4-5 PH is 6.5 (Co2 is around 42ppm). Lighting is pretty high, but I'll have it higher when I put a proper reflector in.

These were taken after a 20% PWC (I don't add the water to the tank direct so the bubbles are formed by the plants).. I add water through a reactor in my filter. it will do this every day all week long, just not to the same degree as this. Just thought I'ld take some pics..

It's funny when one of the fish hit's one of the leaves on the Crinum Natans, it will send up plumes of bubbles, then all the fish try to hit the bubbles :) They start getting bubbles under their leaves around 3:00pm.. it's also putting up a leaf a week unlike the 1 a month it states on the little card that came with it.

Hope I didn't carbonate my water :)
Wizzard, the hygro you gave me has tripled. Gonna have to post some on barter-trade soon, getting to much. Getting lots of rotala mac as well. PM me if you want any. Your tank looks great, nice and clear as well. Congrats.
Well, It's been 3 days since my last water change and


(And I didn't add O2 to the water. They are pearling more and more as they approach the lights. :)
Gorgeous. What's the plant in the most recent pic? Looks to me like a Rotala of some sort.
I just realized, that plant was 3" from the surface this morning, it's now touching the surface,, is that possible??

It's Rotala Magenta. (Macranda Narrow Leaf)
Plecky takes care of that every night. I just replant the remains every morning, (typically 3-4 plants a night)

The only thing I changed today was replacing a T12 bulb with a T8 (the ballast shouldn't work, but it does, and the bulb is way brighter.. the other one on the fixture is a T12.) Probably going to pick up 2 new ballasts tomorrow and overdrive that fixture too.. :)
That appears to be very healthy R. rotundifolia and not R. macrandra "narrow leaf." Nice work!
Looks great Wizzard. I had this plant in my tank and just removed it. Very pretty pink, but didn't like the horizontal growth. Drops lots of long trailing roots as well. It was growing through everything. Kind of like the Sunset hygro, only not as out of control. The hygro has been removed as well! Both plants are happily growing out of control in my grow out ten gallon. Nice work!
Interesting czcz, I asked what they were since they had them marked as Rotala Indica..


They have lost a lot of the red.. but increasing the light at the back seems to be bringing some of it back.. Can you confirm with the older picture (when I first got them)

Glenc, You should see the nest I have of Hygro in here, it's a block 18"x12" x 21" almost solid mass. I haven't bothered trimming it at all since it's staying where it is and giving a lot of things a place to hide. Not only that but the pearling get's better and better the more I let it grow.
Yeah, still looks like R. rotundifolia. The stalks will change to the same color as the leaves as you get it to reds and oranges. Going by the great reds you started with, you may be lucky and have R. rotundifolia "colorata," but this is doubtful because AFAIK no retailer (even online) has R. rotundifolia "colorata," and it is still only traded among hobbyists. You may find it interesting that R. rotundifolia has been incorrectly called R. indica for years, and for the past couple years there has been a serious effort to correct it, especially since the true R. indica (Ammania sp. "bonsai") may be getting traded. My LFS still calls R. rotundifolia R. indica, too, despite people pointing this out. :)

When R. macrandra "narrow leaf" goes green, it is more of a marbled effect on the leaves.

Here is R. rotundifolia (left) and R. rotundifolia "colorata." Here is R. macrandra "narrow leaf" behind what may be the true R. indica (Ammania sp. "bonsai").

I see, definately not narrow leaf then. But even the new stems are very rich red so I don't think it's plain rotundifolia.. It really is hard to tell, the colour of the stems go from red to green with the depth of the tank. so does plain rotundifolia have red stems in high light or no?
I've seen pics where people got whole groupings of R. rotundifolia a real deep red that rivaled R. macrandra variants, but I've not gotten it there. (Only a reddish orange and a couple red under 6700K.) If you get the leaves red the stem will be red, too.
that hygro in your pic that went absolutly nuts looks like my hygrophilia polysperma. and it isnt a very light needy plant. it grew pretty fast when i only had 15 watts in my 20 gallon tank. it does grow alot faster now with co2 and double the light lol. i would reccomend this plant to anyone who wants to have a planted tank becasue it looks amazing and grows well in all conditions. your looks amazing by the way!! u should post on the barter trade section to get rid of some.
lol u wanna send me some? shipping must be pretty cheap i mean we are only hours away lol. pm me if u can ship me some.
That's no problem, I'll let you know when I hack some down, just PM me your address. I travel extensively for work (I was in Bolton today) so I may just drop it off. the weather has been nice enough. or I can ship some up. I consider it a weed now. it takes over everything.

My newest addition, picked up today.

Hemianthus callitrichoides ”Cuba”

Which started pearling within 5 minutes of being in the water. :) this is gonna be great :) I'll post pics when I get it planted. It's a fast grower so I'm hopeful I'll have some to share aswell.
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