Building Up My Biocube with CORAL

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2013
Does anybody have a good place where I could get some Coral to build up my Biocube 29 Gallon Tank. I am really interested in getting my live rock colorful and full of life. Also interested in frags if anybody is willing to help me out.

Also this may have been asked, but what is the best type of corals for a beginner or saltwater tank that are hardy? Any great places online to purchase?
I think you should find corals from your local reef aquarium society. They will really give you good or fair price. Its also great when you see the coral with your own eyes. Its hard to judge a coral by pics alone.

Research soft corals, mushrooms, zoas, and LPS. It will really help you learn more about what you like and dont like. Researching has really narrowed down my stocking for my own tank.

Edit: read what other people have to say about a certain coral you are interested by googling. Fast and easy answers. You will end up going through multiple threads.. And hours..
All the corals in my tank have come from local sources.... reef club banking, local frag swaps, craigslist, etc. I'm also lucky enough to have someone nearby who sells a bunch on ebay.... since I'm close, he let's me pick them up to avoid the overnight charges.
Do some digging.... There's likely a Reef club close by.
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