Bumble Bees and Clown Gobies

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 11, 2005
My first time looking at fish at a pet store I saw bumble bee and clown gobies and wanted to keep some. I wanted to keep 8 bumble bee gobies and 6 clown gobies as well as some other fish that can be kept with the gobies, the info I am looking for is a type of filter(there are so many!!!),how to set-up the tank(many ways...and I don't know one :cry: ), and how to keep these fishes. Thanks a lotta guys not to be a botha. :D
Bumblebee gobies are brackish fish and clown gobies are saltwater... i think. I'm not sure if you could keep these fish together. brackish fish do best with a salinity of about 1/2-1/4 cups of marine salt per gallon of fresh water. Here's some information on bumblebee gobies- http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=978

Do you have a tank? how big is it? the size of your tank will depend on your means of filtration, and how you set it up.

well, the "clown" gobies were kept with the bumble bee gobies and butterfly gobies.I kinda asked how large the tank would have to be if I wanted to keep 8 bumble bee gobies,6 "clown" gobies, 4 glassfish, and 4 butterfly gobies. And I thought I could use a "HOB" filter for this situation...what brand should I use for BW?
Okay I have a new species plan: 8 bumble bee gobies, 6 "clown" gobies. and 6 glass fish. I saw this cool brand of filter on this catalog I ordered from the internet. It was called "Emperor 280" I think. But it was a "Doctor's Choice" sine the catalog was from Drs.Foster and Smith. So would this Emperor filter be good or will it be a bad addition to my tank. By the way, I still DON'T know what size tank I should use!
AZN you should pick what size tank you want and THEN determine what size filer to get. The general rule is 1 gallon per one inch of fish. I know the Bumble Bee Gobbies get 1 to 1.5 inches. determine how big the others get full grown and that should answer your question on what size tank to get. say all together the sizes combined would be 25 inches get a 25 gallon tank or maybe even a 30. and then after chosing a tank you can chose the filter best suited for the tank. :D
Okay the size will be about thirty gallons of water. Since this tank is big would it be reasonable to use a "canister" filter...any particular good brands? Another thing is the substrate, I want to have live plants so do I use sand since bumble bee gobies like a sandy substrate? And also what would I feed the gobies and glass fish?
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