Can i add cherry shrimps?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 23, 2009
san leandro ca
Im worried they might get eaten but my son really wants them
I have a 90 gallon tank with mostly different tetras.
I have neons,serpe,bleeding hearts,candy cane,rasbora,hatchets and a few
panda cory cats.any thoughts?
You could easily have them in that tank. If you are planning to breed them, you will need lots of hiding places because those fish will eat baby shrimp. They won't eat adult shrimp.
Not to beat a dead horse here but yeah the adults will be fine. They may not reproduce though because of the stress having fish in the tank can cause. Fish = predators in the shrimps tiny brain even if they aren't large enough to truly eat them. So, again, ample hiding places, plants, java moss, the likes will help their survivability although it cuts down on face time which I'm sure is what your kid wants.

It will especially difficult in such a large tank to see them. What you could do (something I have done to great success) is get a little 1 gallon bowl from Target or so. Some sand and some low light plants. Perhaps a heater, although it is summer so it may not require it. The shrimps will love it in there and breed. Or at least mine did.
I've just done a breeding profile in the fish profile section. Take a look if you want
ok cool

thanks for all the replies,i will get some but cant add a tank.i just took down two and if i added even a 1 gallon my wife would be like oh boy here we go again lol.
Not to beat a dead horse here but yeah the adults will be fine. They may not reproduce though because of the stress having fish in the tank can cause. Fish = predators in the shrimps tiny brain even if they aren't large enough to truly eat them. So, again, ample hiding places, plants, java moss, the likes will help their survivability although it cuts down on face time which I'm sure is what your kid wants.

It will especially difficult in such a large tank to see them. What you could do (something I have done to great success) is get a little 1 gallon bowl from Target or so. Some sand and some low light plants. Perhaps a heater, although it is summer so it may not require it. The shrimps will love it in there and breed. Or at least mine did.
just curious though,would they need an air stone or would the java give them enough oxygen?
The Tetras may hunt even the adults. They may pick them to death. So have hiding places, Java Moss, dense stand of plants, Cholla Wood, etc before you add Shrimp.

I would not guarantee their safety , it depends on your fish. Babies are tasty morsels. Adults, may or may not survive.

They thrive in many similar tanks, just not all.
ok I got ghost shrimp

decided to get ghost shrimp,(they were cheaper)and my son is happy with them .and if they get eaten they didn't cost much.
Highly recommend Amano Shrimp!

Amano shrimp are great and a little larger so less chance of being eaten.

Fun to watch, rove all over the tank, act like aquatic ballerinas, quite comical.

I have lots of peaceful community tank fish, Pearl Gourami, Harlequin Rasboras, Neon, Glowlight, Black Skirt Tetras and my Amanos have been fine for over a year! Also one community male Betta and he is pretty peaceful and hasn't bothered them.
Amano shrimp are great and a little larger so less chance of being eaten.

Fun to watch, rove all over the tank, act like aquatic ballerinas, quite comical.

I have lots of peaceful community tank fish, Pearl Gourami, Harlequin Rasboras, Neon, Glowlight, Black Skirt Tetras and my Amanos have been fine for over a year! Also one community male Betta and he is pretty peaceful and hasn't bothered them.
I will have to keep an eye out for Amano shrimp thanks, well after a little over a week i can only see one ghost shrimp left.I never saw any of the fish go after them but i did find dead shrimp uneaten.After doing a little research I think it might be the lack of calcium in my tank,although I'm not sure but it seems like the problem.
I dropped pieces of cuttlebone into the tanks for my snails/fish/shrimp so they could eat it if they wanted extra calcium.

Lately I have seen for sale, some mineral rock, small pieces for rocks for shrimp tanks. I have only seen this online and haven't ordered any yet.

Other people talked of using the Fuval Mineral for shrimp but it seems that it changes pH. I don't want mine messed with, so I didn't buy it.

Yet others say they add mineral supplement for plants. I don't have any personal experience with this. Maybe a different member can help with some ideas.
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