Causes of fin rot other than water conditions?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 28, 2010
I noticed a few days ago that my GBR's fins were missing at the ends, on his top, tail, and bottom fins. I assumed it was fin rot, and treated with melafix. I tested the water, and it's fine, 0 ammonia & nitrite, 10 nitrites. I got new fish food just incase that was the cause. Anyone have any idea of what else could cause this?

In a 20 long tank it's just him and 8 neon tetras.
Tropical said:
I noticed a few days ago that my GBR's fins were missing at the ends, on his top, tail, and bottom fins. I assumed it was fin rot, and treated with melafix. I tested the water, and it's fine, 0 ammonia & nitrite, 10 nitrites. I got new fish food just incase that was the cause. Anyone have any idea of what else could cause this?

In a 20 long tank it's just him and 8 neon tetras.

Sometimes fin rot can happen with good water conditions, and is usually saprolegnia fungus or a pseudomonas bacteria if its not due to nipping. But in can also sometimes be caused by very hard water or concurrently with a rapidly rising pH after water changes. Do you see any redness around the affected area? This would normally indicate a bacteria.
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