Check out these preggo? Platys

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2012
North Texas
Ok, I know... All female Platys are pregnant right?lol. But seriously I have no idea if these three are pregnant or just fat. All three have been this big for at least a week, maybe two.


Rainbow Mickey Mouse


Check out the one in the middle of the group. Not sure the correct color name but I call it a rainbow black fin.


Again have no idea what the color is called but I call it Gold with black fins.
Wow...they are ready to pop! :). The other two both look like Sunburst Wag Platies to me.

I have about 30 fry I need to find a home for before they start! Good luck with yours.
Ok so the vote is that all three are preggy. Since they have looked like that for a week or more, when should I expect fry? Also do the mommas look different after giving brith? Like instant size reduction like humans and lots of other animals. The reason I ask is because I have TONS of hiding places so if I don't know to look for fry they will probably get eaten. I have a 1g tank that I'm starting just for them and my crs. I wish it was cycled! :(
Sunburst wags. Hmm. I really like the one in the second photo. She's really pretty. Her mid section looks like a rainbow over gold, then moves to a orange then the black fins. I have a male sun fire and a male red Mickey. (yes I have more females then just these three) I'll be very interested in the color patterns of the fry!
Ok that makes since. Once my new fry tank is cycled, at what point should I put preggy platy into it? I've heard that if you move them too soon it could make them abort. True?? How long do you think these three have until they give birth?
Ya if moved too early or too late they can abort. It is so hard to really determine the right time, I usually just leave mine in the tank and class it as a bonus if I get any babies. My thing is I don't want to stress my fish to death just for some babies.

I would have to guess roughly 2 weeks left give or take a few days. When you notice them secluding themselves from the other fish, possibly not eating as much and maybe hanging out by the heater or filter they could be just a couple days away from birthing.
I know guppies are not platys but equally live bearers with similar birthing characteristics, personally I am breeding for hobby only so losing a few fry I put down to Mother Nature however I do try and feed up close to birthing time, never move her, provide belter for fry once born and as soon as I see fry move them, have never lost a fry due to moving stress, they can be tricky to catch but it can be done, a lot of mine hide in the gravel.
No breeder box, but I have a CRS/fry 1.5g tank. I also have gravel, so it's really hard to catch the lil guys. One of my Platys came pregnant and I didn't even know until I saw one tiny little yellow fry swimming around. I just moved all the CRS yesterday and in the process found three quarter inch yellow with black fin fry! It would be super easier if I could move mamma platy pre-birth, but I can't tell when I need to move her or put her back in the normal tank. Does anyone have a photo of a ready to birth platy?
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