Cichlids acting weird

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 28, 2015
Why are a couple of my Malawi rubbing up against rocks like there trying to itch themselves,they only do it ever so often?

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My immediate thought is ich or some sort of parasite. Any external abnormalities? Malawi are also known to flash though. Check for parasites and make sure your water quality is on point. If all looks well, it may just be them harmlessly flashing.
Thanks. I just tested the water and it's perfect. They all look healthy enough,what exactly is flashing?

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Thanks. I just tested the water and it's perfect. They all look healthy enough,what exactly is flashing?

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When they simply rub against coral or your substrate. Mine use to do it after every water change. I suspected it had something to do with changes in the PH. All lived long and healthy lives :) . Just be sure no parasites exist!
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