Aquarium Advice Regular
Hi all. I read a little on the clown fish here. So I have some new info...But question is I bought a pair of clowns about a week ago, they are doing good, have claimed the big rock and are "sleeping" inside the nice cave it provides. They are the only fish in the tank. Both are relatively small though I can tell them apart. They both swim together for the most part though occasionaly will check things out alone. It is funny as one will go to the other end of tank and then hall tail back to the other fish. The bigger one will get onto the other one a bit and it will shy back, but now something new......I believe the smaller one is rubbing its body against the rock n stirring up the dirt.....I have only been seeing this behavior tonight....also when "she" pecks at him he will do this quiver, shake is this a good sign that they are possibly a bonded, breedable pair? Am I witnessing the beginning steps to a future fry? I do not believe there is any immediate babes on the way as they are pretty small and nobody is bloated.....but it is so very interesting to watch....ok thank you and have a good evening.