clown loach missing?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 3, 2002
I tore down my 46 gallon on Tuesday night, probably took out about 10 gallons or so, scrubbed some rocks and cleaned the gravel. I don't use a Python but just bucket it into the bathroom. I think I might have sucked up a clown loach. Has this ever happened to anybody? I was thinking that I just got him upset and he took off for awhile - usually is out during the day with the other one. Any clues? I know this is a stupid question to be asking via internet but I'm stumped. You would think that I would see him get sucked into the tube....
your python should have a grate just before the actual hose that makes it impossible for fish to get sucked up (other than fry and white cloud minnows).
I believe he said he DOESn't use Python.

I sucked up a neon the first time I ever cleaned with my Python because I was paying too much attention to the hose & valve. Next thing I knew, I saw him swirling away inside the siphon! 8O Luckily that's as far as he got! :)
Still no sign of him yet - the other one seems to enjoy being by itself(a lot more active and swimming with other fish). I'm so disgusted with the whole thing, haven't lost a fish since christmas...
what kind of filter do you have? I only ask cause today I found two fish in my sump that I thought I had lost. One had been in there for probably at least a month.
Clown Loaches are very good at hiding, I thought I lost one only to find it hiding in a decrotative tree stump. the hole was small I don't know how he got in there but he came out on his own. Check all your rock and other items in the tank before giving up.
I lost a penguin once, thought I had sucked it up in the syphon, but it had jumped. I found it on the carpet a few days later. :(
I lost a penguin once, thought I had sucked it up in the syphon, but it had jumped. I found it on the carpet a few days later.

Ah yes, we call that "Carpet Surfing". It stinks when it happens, but I think we've all had it happen at one time or another.
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