Clown matchmaking

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 9, 2011
Well to start off...I have a 44gallon tank that has been up for more than a year. I have polyps, mushrooms, frogspawns, duncans and a few other corals. As for fish i have royal grammas, longnose hawkfish, lawnmower blennie...and the star of this convo, my three clowns. I have had these guys from the start and I love them to death :) Theres the largest( i think is female), medium, and small. For the last few months the two larger clowns have seemed to really pair off, and are showing breeding behavoir, and left the other out. He hangs by himself all the time and sometimes gets picked on.
So...I decided to start a breeding project. As a present, I recieved another clown, so i removed the smallest and introduced the two together in a breeding box( after a few hours of staring at each other through the glass). I'm hoping they become a pair, so then i can re-introduce them to my tank. I'm doing this using local fishstore advice and the internet. But I'm open to any advice or experience!! The more help the better :)
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