Clueless chain store employees

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 27, 2004
Wilmington, NC
I'm really in shock and upset right now.

So I'm getting ready to buy the necessary items for my 10 GAL conversion from FW to a nano reef. After looking at the prices, and seeing that JBJ has lowered their prices since the last time I looked, I decided to call the only chain store around me that carries saltwater equipment.

A pleasant young lady answers and I ask her for the fish dept. she cheerfully transfers me and the phone rings. I am met by a male voice who cheerfully answers "Aquatics, How can I assist you today?" I ask "Can you tell me if you carry the JBJ Nano Cubes?" He responds, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." I repeat "Do you carry the JBJ brand Nano Cube?" He responds "What's that?" .... what's that.... I'm thinking "that means no"... but I persevere and tell him it is a salt water aquarium setup in 12 gal" He puts me on hold and comes back and says "The only thing we have right now is the ECLIPSE system. In saltwater we cater to the more serious fish people" .... fish people... he actually used these words ..... " so we carry mostly 75 gallon and bigger tanks."

I didn't even bother to get into the whole "Nano Reefs are much harder to keep balanced than a larger aquarium" arguement and just said thank you and hung up. I'm still *&^%$#@# (upset) about it.

Anyway.... thanks for letting me vent.

Venting is good! Welcome back. I like to get my supplies online. I have found the prices to be waaay cheaper. I have only bought snails online. I like to look at the fish I am buying, that's not to say, I won't buy fish online, either.
Oh no! I would be upset too. I buy online too most of the time. I wanted to buy some Eco Complete planted tank substrate, and I looked locally since it would have a high shipping charge by weight. (yes, I know this is not the planted tank forum, lol!) I asked my lfs if they had any planted tank substrates. The reply was "Substrate...what's that?" 8O
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