Co2 set up (help)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 21, 2013
Can anyone tell me,

I have set up a co2 unit on my 200 litre tank I have a few fish and some plants I currently run the co2 for 6 hours a day on a timer,I am also running 2 air stones 24/7 now am I to turn off the air stones at night or turn them down,can somebody please give me the correct info, cheers
Turn off the air stones while the co2 is running as the surface agitation helps the co2 escape from the water and set them to come on when the lights go off, because when the lights go off the photosynthic process reverses and the plants take in oxygen and give off co2, this will help minimize or negate any ph swings in relation to co2 levels
No, during the day the plants will be taking in co2 and giving off oxygen, what lighting and plants do you have
I've got t5 marine blue, t 5 plant growth ,valis grass and one that grows on wood and kale, sorry if you get this twice
You could probably change out the marine blue for something @ 6700k, the marine bulbs benefit photosynthesis in corals but not plants

Should I do away with the blue and just have the white ??
I've just been to the shop put aload more plant in tank,thanks

I've just found another bulb which is 14000k,taken off the blue put that one on
Boy what a difference,if it works I will buy a new on
All together there is around 32000k now will this be ok ?? Cheers
K stands for kelvin which is a measure of of light and where it falls in the color spectrum, the marine blue that you took out is most likely an actinic bulb which falls slightly above ultraviolet, it is the wavelength of light that is able to penetrate down through sea water to the coral and that is what corals have evolved to use, plants on the other hand use light I believe from the red wavelength of light or @ 6700 kelvin (don't quote me on the red though) the 14000k bulb that you put in falls I believe in the whitish/light blue range and is really more for aesthetics if I'm not mistaken, I would google PAR and PUR ratings, just because the 14000k is nice and bright doesn't mean that it is light that is useful to the plants themselves (a lot of this is just what I've picked up from reading here and forming my own opinions, may not be the most accurate info though)
All plants use blue and red light, as thats where chlorophyll absorbs the best. If you like the actinics (or don't want to replace them for another reason like money), I wouldn't worry about it. Mostly you shouldn't use them because they look ugly in a tank that's supposed to be green, but that's strictly a matter of taste.

Well thank you very much for your info,I think I've learnt more from you today about lighting than I've picked up in years,my wife's tank is only 100 Lts with normal lighting she put co2 on it and the plant went berserk ,I put the same unit on my tank and nothing happened so I'm going to leave it as it is for 2 weeks and see what happens, if my plants take off you are a star, if they don't ,you'll still be a star,I'll probably put a photo up tomorrow and show you
Thanks again
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