compatibility questions

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Rams, lemon tetras, opaline/blue gourami, DG, honey gourami, keyhole cichlid, emperor tetras, giant danios, golden wonder killifish, any species of cory, pitbull plecos, bnp, clown pleco, mollies, platys, yo-yo loaches, zebra loaches, kuhli loaches, pearl gourami, pristella tetra, von rio, or rosy barbs to name a few.
You can definitely fit another school in there. In fact, you can fit several more schools in there. I would recommend corys for the bottom plus a pair of rams or keyhole cichlid. Another middle schooler and killies, hatchetfish or something for the top.
You could also stick with fewer species and more per school. You also can add another angel or 3 if you want.:)

wowza, didn't know i had that much room left haha, i def wana go w/ more schooling and have angel as centerpiece, will corys and pleco get along?
wowza, didn't know i had that much room left haha, i def wana go w/ more schooling and have angel as centerpiece, will corys and pleco get along?
Yes. I have pitbull plecos and corys and they get along fine. I also kept my corys with a bnp and they did fine as well.
75 gallons really is a lot of room, especially when you are looking at small species. Look into the different tetras and other schoolers and see what you like. Remember too, you can either do fewer members of more species or more members of fewer species. I tend to keep a lot of species in my tanks, but thats just me. Plenty of people are the exact opposite.
Try to stick with tetras (or whatever) that are either spade shaped or else at least 2 inches long so the angel doesn't eat them. :) I tried to suggest species that are all angel dinner-proof.;)
so what about bleeding heart tetras as a second schooler?
so can i do: 1 angel, 10 serpae / red minor tetras, 10 bleeding heart tetras, and 1 plec?
Definantly do a shcool of 10-12 cory cats! I really like the panda corys myself. They will help make tank maintnence easier as they will eat most if not all of the food that gets to the bottom of the tank. Your list sounds good. You could do a school of 10 blue tetras/blue king tetras and a school of 10 bloodfin tetras as well. I would also do a school of hatchet fish for the top that way not everybody is in the same area.
yeah, i def just wana get a bunch of small schoolers, looks the best iMO
so what about adding yellow lab as centerpiece instead of angel?
mann, are there any cool cichlids taht would be okay in the tank previously described?
New said:
mann, are there any cool cichlids taht would be okay in the tank previously described?

Apistos, discus, rams, and I believe some-though correct me if I'm wrong-SA cichlids like rainbow cichlids have mild temperaments for community tanks.
wat about a betta as a centerpiece? or a female betta sorority?
New said:
wat about a betta as a centerpiece? or a female betta sorority?

Female sororities are a hit and miss and usually do not work. You can try one, but be prepared to separate them if they're not going to get along.
bruinsbro1997 said:
Female sororities are a hit and miss and usually do not work. You can try one, but be prepared to separate them if they're not going to get along.

I have to agree with bruinsbro , I tried this ONCE didn't work out at all!
so no sorority, i don't wana have to deal w/ it not working :p
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