Convict's First Go at a Planted Tank

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Ok.... So it is... My very first attempt at a planted tank.

I'm still very green about fish and aquatics but I'm an avid gardener, and this is one impressive specimen "water garden"! Absolutely love the plants, choice of colors and textures, landscape decorations... It is very interesting yet natural looking. Makes one feel like visiting Botanical Garden which I've always loved. Well done! The fish in there will feel truly pampered. Like perpetual vacation and sightseeing:) love it! This is exactly the look I strive to achieve on my small tanks and planted bowls. Congratulations!
I'm still very green about fish and aquatics but I'm an avid gardener, and this is one impressive specimen "water garden"! Absolutely love the plants, choice of colors and textures, landscape decorations... It is very interesting yet natural looking. Makes one feel like visiting Botanical Garden which I've always loved. Well done! The fish in there will feel truly pampered. Like perpetual vacation and sightseeing:) love it! This is exactly the look I strive to achieve on my small tanks and planted bowls. Congratulations!

Wow... I'm speechless. This is my first planted tank, your words are very kind! I can't thank you enough.

Funny thing is, this tank I went in without a plan, just turned the music on and started to scape and then a few weeks later plant. No rhyme or reason, just did my thing...

Thank you again!
Messing around


Hey Dino, your tank just keeps getting better & better friend! Just imagine what it's going to look like in one month. Wow! How's your Corys doing. Sorry about you losing one. Don't give up cause they are "worth the love". LOL
My three Julie Corys gave me a great gift today. Seems Larry of the Larry, Moe & Curly trio is actually a "Larrette"! Her and Curley spawned right in front of me today from 8a to 4p. I took 2 pics and made a video of them and put them on a thread in the Breeding section.
Check it out and get ready to love Corys even more. I'll still try and get the video of them in their bubble roller coaster for you when they rest up some. Take care, OS.
Is your blyxa in the front melting a bit? You're off to a good start. I'm looking forward to see what it looks like when it grows in a bit.
Is your blyxa in the front melting a bit? You're off to a good start. I'm looking forward to see what it looks like when it grows in a bit.

Actually yes it has... I read on The Planted Tank Forum that it could happen, there was actually a lot of good info on the issue. Glad to see I wasn't alone, this is all new so I expect some bumps BUT... it won't keep me pinned to the mat, I'm nit one to "tap out". The roots are still there and bright green. I'm hoping it bounces back. And thanks for the compliment. Jeta was very helpful with the issue. Just started yesterday....
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Hey Dino, your tank just keeps getting better & better friend! Just imagine what it's going to look like in one month. Wow! How's your Corys doing. Sorry about you losing one. Don't give up cause they are "worth the love". LOL
My three Julie Corys gave me a great gift today. Seems Larry of the Larry, Moe & Curly trio is actually a "Larrette"! Her and Curley spawned right in front of me today from 8a to 4p. I took 2 pics and made a video of them and put them on a thread in the Breeding section.
Check it out and get ready to love Corys even more. I'll still try and get the video of them in their bubble roller coaster for you when they rest up some. Take care, OS.

That's awesome you were able to get a video! I watched my peppered cories spawn once and I was so amazed I didn't even think to video it! It's definitely one of the coolest things I've watched my fish do!
Blyxa is tough under the right conditions. I had a head of it hitchhike in on a batch of sagittaria that got cooked in the mail. The little bit that survived grew into a respectable bush until my tetras acquired a taste for it. It grows fast enough that you don't need much to survive.
Blyxa is tough under the right conditions. I had a head of it hitchhike in on a batch of sagittaria that got cooked in the mail. The little bit that survived grew into a respectable bush until my tetras acquired a taste for it. It grows fast enough that you don't need much to survive.

Thanks, good to hear, I'm hoping it comes back. Here's a pic I took yesterday. You can clearly see what happen.

EDIT: this was after a water change
Ok now.... You can jump down my throat if ya want I'm a big boy lol. The wife wanted them and they had them so.... I bought them. I got the pair for 15 bucks. Not sure if that's a good buy or not but she wanted them.



Wow... I'm speechless. This is my first planted tank, your words are very kind! I can't thank you enough.

Funny thing is, this tank I went in without a plan, just turned the music on and started to scape and then a few weeks later plant. No rhyme or reason, just did my thing...

Thank you again!

I was just being honest. "Going in without a plan" that produces results like this is usually what most call "stroke of genius" or "true talent" or "divine inspiration". Most of the greatest artists have never had "a plan". I have always believed that greatest designs come from the heart (or a soul) rather then calculations of the brain. Your tank is something to be envied (in a good way) and admired. I looked at those pictures you posted at least 10 or more times! :)
Ok now.... You can jump down my throat if ya want I'm a big boy lol. The wife wanted them and they had them so.... I bought them. I got the pair for 15 bucks. Not sure if that's a good buy or not but she wanted them.

Nice rams my wife wants a pair also.
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