As long as you don't have any bad algae issues, the breeder net will work fine. Just keep in mind that like the adults, the fry like to hide, and may spend a lot of their day under the plastic frame of the net.
For that batch I fed them Hikari First bites, or OSI spirulina flakes crumbled up very finely. After they grew a bit, I threw in a shrimp pellet or two, and once it disintegrated, they chewed on it a bit.
I kept them in the net for about a month, after which I decided to let them go free in the tank to forage for themselves. Note that I don't have any strong predators in that tank, if you do, you may want to let them grow up elsewhere.
It's funny that this thread comes alive again, as I have new eggs on the tank wall as of last night. I transplanted another female with a big belly to my 20G tank but she hasn't dropped any there yet. Corys, the fish that keeps on giving. ;0
Edit: if you do a forum search for 'cory fry' or cory fry pics, you'll find other threads I've posted in. Seems that my 'big momma' cory has laid eggs about every 2-2.5 months since I got her, so I'm getting a lot of experience with these little guys. The last batch left me three 'surprise' fry that survived when I didn't do anything special after a big egg lay; at that time I figured the tank was full enough. So I currently have 3 half-inchers scurrying around the 29G. When you feed just make sure the food is getting down to the net where the fry are.