Aquarium Advice Freak
Can you mix your corys? Say I want to do 3 skunk and 3 peppered. Can you do this or should you really stay with one or the other? I can't decide which one I like the best. I have a 40 gallon and would like to have 6 corys.
Does anyone have any experience with harlequin rasboras. I was thinking of a school of 8/10 of these.
I will also have 3/4 flame gouramis or the honey gouramis. (haven't totally decided.)
Would this be stocked at this point?
Does anyone have any experience with harlequin rasboras. I was thinking of a school of 8/10 of these.
I will also have 3/4 flame gouramis or the honey gouramis. (haven't totally decided.)
Would this be stocked at this point?