Could i add one?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 3, 2011
I have a 55g with 1jd 1jaguar 1red devil and was wondering if i added a frontosa to it would there be alot of action going on in my tank of would it be ok in there with them? Thanks
And with your Jaguar - You're risking alot putting anything with him. he may be small now, but he's gonna get so big he won't be able to turn around in your tank!!!

Parachromis managuensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honestly, I think you really need to research your fish choices for your tank.

I don't want to sound harsh, but You may want to consider trading some of them back in to your LFS... If you want to add multiple species of fish, you should go with more community based fish.

Sorry for the bad news!
sudz said:
Honestly, I think you really need to research your fish choices for your tank.

I don't want to sound harsh, but You may want to consider trading some of them back in to your LFS... If you want to add multiple species of fish, you should go with more community based fish.

Sorry for the bad news!

I agree 100% all your fish IMO are to big to be happy in that 55 and should be taken back to your LFS. I personally think it's cruel to keep bigger SAC in anything smaller than a 75-90 gallon. You have received very good advice from many knowledgeable members of this forum, you say you are here to learn if you are here to learn an how to care for your fish then listen to what they have to say instead of getting all defensive. We all make mistakes, learn from this so next time you set up a tank you will have all the information and tools on hand to make you and your fish happy.

Do lots of research online, there is no shame in starting with a 55 gallon tropical community I think we all started small and worked our way up as we learned.
I agree 100% all your fish IMO are to big to be happy in that 55 and should be taken back to your LFS. I personally think it's cruel to keep bigger SAC in anything smaller than a 75-90 gallon. You have received very good advice from many knowledgeable members of this forum, you say you are here to learn if you are here to learn an how to care for your fish then listen to what they have to say instead of getting all defensive. We all make mistakes, learn from this so next time you set up a tank you will have all the information and tools on hand to make you and your fish happy.

Do lots of research online, there is no shame in starting with a 55 gallon tropical community I think we all started small and worked our way up as we learned.

Well said, and I couldn't agree more with Mog.
Well i dont really have the money to upgrade and i have already started a smc community and really like it and now im looking for fish to add to this community of mine and am haveing a bit of trouble but soon enought it will come around.
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