Crazy Corys Anonymous

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 19, 2012
Toledo, OH - Originally Dayton, OH
Since it was greatly liked in another thread I posted, I shall start this one. The name was decided by someone that answered me, who thought that a Crazy Corys Anonymous Club was needed. Here we can share all the funny and quirky things our corydora catfish do in our tanks.

I will start with all I got to witness last night.

My three albinos, Dracula, Lestat, and Lurch, decided to form a perfect line and go back and forth at the front of the tank. I'd never seen it before, so asked about it. Well, this went on for hours, and Dracula coming off the "short bus", would frequently get confused at the time to turn around. He would glance at me, like I was supposed to tell him what he was supposed to do now, and then would figure out that he was to follow his brothers and would scurry over to them. I'm sure in corydora, he was calling out, "OMG! Wait for meeeeeeee!"

To make this even funnier, Lestat and Dracula have been inseparable since Lestat was added in. Now that Dracula's "specialness" has become much more apparent, Lestat looks after him constantly. So when Dracula would get confused, Lestat would stop the train and turn as if calling his brother. It appeared they even kissed at one point.

When they finally grew bored of this frolicking, they went back to their habit of endless sifting in the sand, except Dracula, who instead chose to go into the skull cave and turn upside-down to sift the ceiling. As I said, he's special.

So, there is my latest funny corydora story. Welcome, fellow crazy Cory addicts (lol). And enjoy our fun with our friends.
Aw, that's a cute story! :)

All I know is my cories are little piggies. And they do seem to be talking to each other all the time.
The giant green cory I have had in the 150 was lying upside down at the bottom and looked dead. After a few oh nos I got the net to get him (maybe her) out. He jumps back to life and the kid states to me that he TOLD me it was "taking a nap" (you know I probably looked horrified when that statement came out).

It acted very odd and did not fight after it was in the net. I put him in the 10 gal betta/baby cory tank, and he:she floated to where the intake of the filter is. I fished him:her out, put it in a bowl with some 150 tank water and I blank you not... it straightened up and seemed normal. I ended up letting it stay there if it would be calmer but fully expected a dead cory next am.


Sitting on bottom of bowl like nothing is wrong the next morning. So I put it back into the 10 because I, quite frankly, would rather, if there is something communicable going on, that it go in there. I have got way too much blood, sweat, and tears in the 150 tank.

Update? Cory is fine.

Everyone in both tanks? Fine.

What do I think it was? The bichir in my avatar has thickened and lengthened plus is getting more predatory every day so I think he was eyeing the cory for dinner, who was stroking out trying to avoid the bichir lying in wait at every turn, blending in with the rocks and sand like a rattlesnake. o_O
The only strange thing I,ve seen happen with my cories, is when my betta lays on the sand to get a close look at my girl albinos, my boy always comes over & chases him away! That's one brave Cory lol
I have a story...

I had some spilled water under the tank so I drained it and as I refilled it after cleaning the water up I was 'missing' a Cory. So I looked around the tank and there my poor Cory was UNDERNEATH my snail. So that Cory is a little on the wacky side of the highway now...

Ok so I have this castle in my tank with two guard towers and what looks like a throne every time I turn the lights on there is a panda Cory in each guard tower and one sitting on the thrown! It cracks be up. Thanks for starting this thread! We've needed one for a long time:)
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Brave Cory cats, wacky Cory cats, and the Knights of the Panda. Gotta love our funny friends.

You guys said it was needed. You are welcome. Now we can enjoy our stories and share them all.
Missing Cory

I shared this on a different thread, sorry if you have to read it twice...

Daughter shut down her Edge tank deciding she didn't want to have fish after all (now my Edge) - don't know why with an entire pet store she picked out a sickly feeder goldfish. She wanted to save it (we have a pond).

We took out the fish and what had been three Cories. (They were only in there temporarily for a month while I was re arranging tanks and occupants, they are hard to catch) There was only one Cory, we stirred and stirred the sand and there was only one. I figured they had died.

Came back later and looked again and didn't find anything. After a few days she unplugged it and it sat in the corner for about 2 1/2-3 weeks, no light no air bubbler/filter, no heater and no food. (It was winter)

I needed extra room as my momma guppy was going to have babies, so I asked her if I could use it until she sold it she said yes since it needed to be cleaned out anyway (LOL). I walked in the room to look at how to move the tank and thought I saw movement!

Scared and mortified, I ended up rescuing a little Cory. There was a zen structure in the tank and best I can tell it hid inside of the piece (even checked the filter). I had lifted the thing up and shook it numerous times though I didn't even know there were holes in it (daughter put it together). OMG it got like 63 degrees or less!!!!!

Poor baby!! She is doing great and nearly doubled in size in the past year! She was reunited with her buddy, a boy (Bronze Cories) and they hang out together all the time. I will be getting a few more after all get settled in from a new tank change.

They have buddies, two Emerald Brochis, they also hang out with.

Lately I have seen them getting frisky (Bronze), though I doubt it would end with actual babies since they'd probably get eaten.
Story one:
I have a mayan type head, small and with vines. I had just gotten 3 baby panda cories. They immediately begin to snuffle and wag. Then this leads into a game of follow the leader. The leader then scurries up the side of the head, they loop around into a crown of cories. I am laughing my head off, they continue their halo effect. Then the game stops and they split into all the corners of the tank.

Story 2: I am cleaning my tank and pretty much every time I go near the tank. I talk to them every day.
"SNUFFLE!! WAG! SCURRY! Snuffle my little angels!" I say this everytime I pass by it too. I love feeding them bloodworms, Daphia!

Ps just replaced by Petco brand sand (Pool type filter sand) to Supernaturals Sand which is soft and lighter, and able to be snuffled and sucked up better. Pain to clean but better for them. :D
The giant green cory I have had in the 150 was lying upside down at the bottom and looked dead. After a few oh nos I got the net to get him (maybe her) out. He jumps back to life and the kid states to me that he TOLD me it was "taking a nap" (you know I probably looked horrified when that statement came out).

It acted very odd and did not fight after it was in the net. I put him in the 10 gal betta/baby cory tank, and he:she floated to where the intake of the filter is. I fished him:her out, put it in a bowl with some 150 tank water and I blank you not... it straightened up and seemed normal. I ended up letting it stay there if it would be calmer but fully expected a dead cory next am.


Sitting on bottom of bowl like nothing is wrong the next morning. So I put it back into the 10 because I, quite frankly, would rather, if there is something communicable going on, that it go in there. I have got way too much blood, sweat, and tears in the 150 tank.

Update? Cory is fine.

Everyone in both tanks? Fine.

What do I think it was? The bichir in my avatar has thickened and lengthened plus is getting more predatory every day so I think he was eyeing the cory for dinner, who was stroking out trying to avoid the bichir lying in wait at every turn, blending in with the rocks and sand like a rattlesnake. o_O

Similar thing happened with my julli Cory Wednesday night. It was just siting above the sand, no gill movement nothing. I thought it was dead and was reaching for the net, then BAM! Back to normal. Schooling with the others, eating and everything.
When Corys Get Fish Coffee

I just did a water change, a little one, simply because my DG is the gardener of my tank (not kidding - if he doesn't like where a stem is he will pull it out for me, he bites off the dead leaves, cleans the leaves, etc.), and when he removes a leaf, he is annoyingly compelled to stuff it between the rocks I have around my lighted airstone. The rocks are because my cory cats have to unbury the airstone and then it floats and they go behind the now pulled up round airstone to use the bathroom. Call me crazy, but they do it.

The musketeers have been spooning in the back corner all day. No idea why. Well, as I'm readding the water, all heck breaks loose.

Lestat goes through the new water dump spot, then to the leafy plant thing I can't name, weaves through it, and starts backflipping. Like jumping out of the water Free Willy style. Lurch thinks it's all new food or something and goes 80-cups-of-coffee crazy all over the tank. Dracula, now confused that Lestat (his home health nurse :blink:) has left his side, begins frantically circling the tank searching for his long lost caretaker, while Lestat continues to Free Willy leap with ecstatic joy.

As of now, Lestat and Lurch are sifting the crumblies off the anacharis plant while Dracula chooses to sift the nearby tube attached to the airstone. Yes, my cory cat is going up and down and up and down on the air tube sifting for invisible food. He would be special. Very special.
so i've been checking this repeatedly and i can't stop laughing...

i'll share my funny/scary story, happened this weekend.

i have a 125g with 9 corys(3 albino, 3 peppered, 3 emerald) and various other fish.
i was doing my normal water change on saturday and as i went to start cleaning the gravel i had 2 of my corys haul butt from the far end of the tank and flew right up the tube. now, they've done this before and occasionally i've had a clown loach try it so i know they are able to get out. but on saturday i saw two go in and i swore i saw two come out so i decided to start gravel vac'ing... little did i know there was one still in the tube. i was both shocked and (sadly)slightly amused. i have a 16"-18" plastic tube on the changer and right in the middle i see one of the corys swimming in circles with the current as it travels up the tube. after a few frightening seconds i lifted the tube off the gravel which caused the cory to start a barrel roll type move inside the tube, almost as soon as it started my cory SHOT straight out of the tube and ran smack into one of my large java fern leaves.

i know i'm probably going to a dark place for this but i fell over laughing.

for those who may be concerned, said cory is perfectly fine and still flys around the tank like usual.
HopefulHobbiest, I'm sure your little friend will not put a Cory cat voodoo hex on your soul and condemn you to Cory cat hell for laughing at him. And if that were to happen, with all do respect, I would laugh that the little fishy would have the cajones to do that to his owner, followed by wondering if any of mine did that.
I think Dracula may have hit more than the glass more than a few times. Lol. That fish is special. If any of mine send me to Cory cat hell, it will be him. And it would probably look like Transylvania. And he will lock me in a room every night while I watch him scurry down the castle wall hunting for scraps of algae.
I put this in another thread, but it applies. I get a kick out of my Cories. They swim around, up and down, all over my tank at top speed and do circles around each other. It's really funny because sometimes they run into each other and all the sudden it's a four-six Cory pile up.

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