Damage from fake plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2005

I recently purchased an aquarium kit that came with a few fake plants. All of them are really nice, except for one "el cheapo" that is fabricated of hard plastic and seems rather prickly (but not sharp). On two seperate and distinct occasions, my black moor goldfish has had a single scale turn upright, and it is making me wonder if it is because of the plant. The reason I suspect the plant is because he hangs around in the corner where it is located, while the other fish do not and have not had any scales turn upright.

Could these scales have been turned upright from bumping into the plant, or is there anything else I should be aware of?
Welcome to AA, Garou.

I don't see where it would be out of the question that your moor could be injuring himself on a plastic plant. I had a platy that used to do the same thing until I removed the suspect plant. I would check to be sure that it isn't something else like a rock that he is injuring himself on. Are you sure that the other fish aren't chasing him and causing him to dart into the plant and/or other objects?

Whenever I have a fish with any sort of injury I try to do extra small water changes just to avoid infection.
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