Dancing Mystery Snail??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 14, 2013
Hello! Today I woke up to find my mystery snail buried itself in the sand. About an hour later It began to climb to the top of the tank and stick that air tube thing out above the water. I then noticed it sticking its head in and out of the shell really fast, almost like it had an itch or something. Is this just a technique to remove air from the shell or something? Any feedback would be appreciated! :thanks: :fish2:
I believe your snail is using its head like a pump to push air into its shell for buoyancy purposes.

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Hahah thanks for the reply! It probably isn't something to worry about, but it sure is fun to watch.
Haha, good to know. I will try and get a video if he does it again.
hmmm... how do you attach vidoes? I happen to have a video of that on my phone...

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