Dead Oscar causing Algae Explosion?!?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2003
Austin, Texas
Okay, so I have a 90 gallon freshwater tank. In this tank I had an albino oscar, and still have a lima shovel nose, a clown knife, and a jack dempsey. I am running 2 under gravel filters with power heads and an over the back Emperor 400. This tank is now about 3 months old. about two weeks ago my oscar climbed into one of the decorations; a ceramic log, and never came out again. For the 1st three days she was in there she was moving and swimming next to a hole where I could see her. Then I went to check on her again and she was gone. At 1st I thought she had moved to a different part of the log, then after not seeing her for two more days I realized she prolly wasn't alive anymore. I had to leave for business and was unable to get her out of the decoration for 2 more days after I thought she was dead. but now that I have removed what little bit of that was left, I have a huge algae explosion in the tank, almost over night it has covered half of my tank in a very ugly looking brown algae.

Is this something I should be worried about? Can I just add a pleco to run around and clean things up? Do I need to treat the water? Was this caused by the decay of the oscar, causing nitrate levels to go through the roof?

I haven't tested the nitrite or nitrate levels YET as I do not own a test kit for those YET!

Thanks in advance for your help,
yeah its definately a possibility that your dead oscar being in the tank for that long after death would cause that outbreak. definately test the water, and do a 50% water change to clean some of the filth out. Check under the gravel filter too, it may need cleaning... I don;t use one but I know them to get pretty nasty.
T1TAN23 said:
Can I just add a pleco to run around and clean things up?
Yes, cannot see a reason why not

T1TAN23 said:
Do I need to treat the water?
No, if the fish died of a disease, it could theoretically infect other fishes since it was left in the tank for so long. However if they are OK then “if it anit broke ….”

T1TAN23 said:
Was this caused by the decay of the oscar, causing nitrate levels to go through the roof?
Dunno theoretically possible as the decaying organic matter could provide nutrients for the algae to grow. In time the algae should return to prior levels once the water has been changed a few times due to lack of nutrients

see for more information on algae
Okay, i have been doing some other online research and found that I have Brown algae. My tank has two sigle bulb fixtures, one on each side. One side was a striaght white light and the other side that has the algae explosion was an Actinic Blue light. I have changed it out now to be a white light, beacuse from what I have read, it says that low light can cause Brown algae to go crazy. I have also done 2 35-40% water chnages about 4 days appart. I have seen no improvement thus far, but it also seems not to be getting any worse.

Thanks for the Advice.
This website rocks !!! 0X
You really need to get your parameters checked ie.. ammonia/nitrite/nitrate. If you don't have the test kits needed, get your lfs to test them for you. You don't say how big the Oscar was, but if he was quite big then with that decaying in your tank would change your parameters.
It is good to see that you have done the water changes, that would have helped.

Keep us posted.

The Oscar was pretty young only 2 1/2 to 3 inches. All the fish in the tank are pretty young. The larget is the clown knife at about 4 inches. I have ammonia and nitrite test kits now. (just picked them up at lunch), BUT if my levels are way off what do I do next?

That seems a bit silly to ask right now I guess. 1st things 1st, take some readings :)
i sugest you call a plumber to clear the pipe may the oscar left a spell
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