Detritus in my 90gal heavily planted

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 10, 2011
I believe I have adequate circulation. While pruning I disturbed a couple of plants and noticed a lot of detritus of the leaves. I currently have a emperor 400 hob and fluval g6. I'm afraid if I add a nano circulation pump I'll have too much current.

Please advise? Thanks in advance
In heavily planted tanks it's easy for detris to get on leaves deep in the plantings. Right before I do my weekly WC I take my hand and slowly run it through the plants to stir up any detris that has settled during the week. Then I just do my WC to remove the detris.
Yeah. I shut down the filters and dust the plants til most hits the substrate the clean out during wc. Someone once told me with good circulation this wouldn't occur. IMO it's almost impossible to have a heavily planted tank w/o some debris on leaves. I just looks hideous when my flying fox stirs things up.
I have a 220g very heavily planted tank with a ton of circulation (4-fluval 406's and 2 nano circulation pumps) and some detris gets deep in the plantings. I'd have to blow my plants all over to get enough water circulation to keep all detris off all the leaves.. lol.
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