Diagnose My Shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 9, 2013
Hi all. Can anyone help diagnose my shark and suggest treatment please?

I have a fluval edge which the sharks are now too big for and I'll be moving them out as soon as the 1 is better, the tank also houses 1 shark, 2 neons, 3 peacock gobys and 3 guppies.

The shark started off with red on one side of his mouth and it has now spread to hos entire top lip. Just tonight it appears to be rotting and as if one side is coming off :-(

I've tried water changes with no improvement, just continued downward spiral, there's no sign of ill health in any of the other fieshes.

Can anyone suggest what is wrong with him and what a course of treatment might be? I've attached some photos which I hope help.



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Thanks Dallas, could you tell me what anti par is? I'll have to go to a pet shopping the Uk so bay brand names or example links you can give would be very helpful.

Do you have any idea what this is?
Thanks Dallas,I got some medecine a few days ago now after your help. 5 more days and I can do another dose. The rotten part of his lip has now dropped of so looks slightly better,I just hope the medicTion works and prevents anything further.
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