Diary of the 29G planted tank... New pics 4/28/07

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I like how you are leaving the foreground open now (ie no stem plants). It gives the tank more depth. You still need some more biomass, but it is looking great.
Actually, the front isn't very open, lol. The crypts on the left are taking up a lot of space, they are spread out. The foreground looks bare because there is no ground cover. I might pull out the patch of ground cover, pull apart the individual plantlets, and replant. the ground cover is E. tiandra. Would be cool if it spread nicely.
Well, it's shaping up just a little bit, lol. What I did is ripped out the patch of E. Tiandra, divided it up and replanted through the whole tank. Since I had enough, I was able to complete the foreground. Now to let it all fill in. Here's pics....



Oh, and the several Beckettii's that are in there, one of them is coming to you. What do you think of the color? They are on the left. In the first pic, they are centered.
That foreground is going to be great. Bet it took you a while to plant it, it will be well worth the effort. :)
Took close to 2.5 hours to do. I used a pair of tweezers to plant. I tried with my fingers, but it's just too small to do without uprooting the plants around it. I also love the color of the Beckettii you sent. Looks great. And it's finally propagating some. :)
wow, it looks so different from when you started out... absolutely awesome transformation. i love your swords!
Thanks for the compliments. I've always wondered about a question that Tom Barr has brought up more than once. When you have very healthy plants and healthy conditions, what is the maximum plant rate of growth? Well, after making changes to my routine, it's faster than you think. And I'm sure Tom would back that statement up, lol. Here's just a small glimpse into that arena. You see the sword on the right side of my tank? Beautiful, heh? I got that plant less than 4 months ago, and it was about 6 or 7 inches tall, and 5 leaves. Now, less than 4 months later, it's not only surfaced, but I count 32 leaves. Now, is that fast growth or what? There's about 7 leaves at the surface as well.


And I just want to thank Tom for all the good info that he's provided in this forum. I've learned so much, and still learning. And your info on high lighting has paid off as well, as my 75G is running 520W virtually algae free. And if there is any algae, it's usually just very minimal. Again, thanks...... (y)
Tom is a very smart, generous guy no doubt. I have learned a ton from him as well, but someone else deserves some thanks, that would be you. I have watched you try some crazy stuff with super high light, seen you crash, then watched you bring it back. Your tanks look better than ever. You are a testament to what perserverance and patience can acheive.
Well done!
Here's some new pics. Not sure what the red plant is in the last pic, but it's the only one still with some algae that I've been trying hard to bring back to life. It hasn't done anything. Got this plant in that package I got from Aquabid, and it hasn't done real hot. But it's not dying either. What do you think of my E. Tiandra? Look cool? All but the spot where I removed a Wisteria plant and sent it to another member. Got to put some ET there to fill in that open hole, lol.





looking absolutely awesome! i love all the colours you've got in there.

edit: what is the spindley stem plant in the middle with the pink leafy bits?
zenkatydid said:
looking absolutely awesome! i love all the colours you've got in there.

edit: what is the spindley stem plant in the middle with the pink leafy bits?

That's what I'm trying to figure out, lol. Doesn't look so hot, and I've been trying to revive it. It was in sad shape when I got it.
Couple more new pics. I thinned out the tank a bit, and replanted stems, and clipped off a ton of leaves from the sword. That was the biggest part, getting the sword thinned out.




The tank is looking very nice. What are you doing different with the camera is the second two pics? The first two look great, but the second two are not as nice IMO.
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