Diary of the 75G planted tank.... New pics 6/26/06

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It's not that bad, actually. Just slip it off nice and easy and take it out and rinse it out in the sink. Helps me in that I'm not always doing maintenance on the filter due to it getting clogged up. Just rinse the prefilter out at each PWC. I just used a XP3 coarse sponge and snipped a hole into it using scissors. Then after I was done and tested to work good, I took it off and cut it to size.
Well, they came in. Got my Roseline Sharks in place. A couple of them were missing part of the tail, but no bigie, they will grow back. Other than that, they came in great shape. And much bigger than I thought. I was thinking a couple inches, and these are between 3 and 4 inches. So, here they are....









Had to get this one pic in here. The bolivians are now defending this same spot again. :)








They look perfect in there. Please let us know how they are personality-wise.
I just saw some roselines in a nearby LFS over the weekend. Pics do them no justice...they are gorgeous fish. If and when I get a larger tank, I'd love to have some of those. Good luck with them...
Guess what everybody????????

I GOT EGGS..........

My Bolivian Rams spawned again, and have a whole bunch of eggs. Now I need a new tank bad before they hatch, lol.
Dude! Congrats on the eggs and the roselines - I know you had been waiting for those for a while.

They look terrific in the tank. Guess it's time to update that signature ;)
great denisoni!!!!

and good idea on the bubble stone.. It made a huge difference to my fish to run one at night.
Hey Sherry,

The Roselines are doing just totally awsome. They seem to hang close to each other, and school good. Would be better looking in a larger tank though. A 75G is just barely big enough for these guys. One is about 3 inches, and the others are more like 4-4.5 inches. But awsome to watch. So cool how they just glide through the water.


I wrote this to a couple other members and would like to share with all....

Since they are part of the tetra family, they school fairly well. They don't always school, but for a good part of the time, they like to hang out with each other, swimming around the tank.

I've seen on sites where they say minimum tank size is as low as 30G, but I don't recommend that. Mine would be cramped in a 30G, nearly 4 inches each. I think the smallest is 3 inches. The rest are much bigger than that one. My minimum would be 55G, preferably larger. In my 75G, it does give some room to swim around, but for the schooling effect, would probably be more apparent in a much larger tank. And being a tetra, 3 or more is preferred to do good. But a larger number is better.

They are very mildly tempered. Calm, and loves to be fed. They feed both in the water column and at the surface, sometimes with a big splash. They are also starting to get used to me already.

As with the rams, they get along great. Nobody bothers them, and they don't bother the rams. And with all the color, it's just astounding, the colors of the rams, the colors of the tetras, and now the colors of the roseline sharks. It's just very impressive.


Part of the barb family, not tetra. My error.....
Actually Puntius denisonii is a member of the Barb family.. Also a schooling species. (Given away by it's almost minnow like shape)

Congrats on the eggs and the Roselines. (Thier average size full grown is 6", I imagine at that size they may cause problems with fine plants..)
cat has about 10 denisoni in her 125.. and they do school brilliantly.

also love to eat duckweed : )

they get brighter and brighter the longer you have them... the colors in her tank (last I saw) were amazing.

The eggs are looking good. The female is doing a great job of fanning the eggs, and the male standing guard. About the only fish that are allowed to get close are the redline sharks. They chase all the others away. Quite interesting.

Also, I got 2 more tanks, lol. I got a 29G with a stand. It's just the tank and stand, nothing else. Will be getting all my supplies from Big Al's Online and I already have the Eco Complete for it.

I also got a 10G tank with all accessories. No stand though. I have it on my solid dresser, since it's not that heavy when full. Came with a 50W heater, a Whisper filter, hood, lights, etc. I have it all set up now ready for when I take the wigglers out of the 75G. I did 50/50 tap water and 75G tank water. Also cut some of the filter off the old pad I pulled out of the 26G and put it in with the new filter on the 10G. I also put new gravel in, and sprinkled gravel from my 26G on top of the new gravel. So when the eggs hatch in a day or 2, I'll be ready. Also put a couple flakes of food in mainly for the bacteria, since no fish are present. Hopefully it will be enough.

Now for the question, when should I pull them out of the 75G? I want to keep the eggs in, as the female does a great job tending to them with her fanning. But once they hatch into wigglers, should I pull them out then, or wait til they start becoming swimmers? I think it would be too hard to do them in the free swimming stage, as the parents will move them around, and they tend to swim in all directions. So is it ok to move them as wigglers, and use a turkey baster to transfer them? Also, when it is time, I'll take out about 50-60% of the water and put more 75G tank water in there, mainly to adjust parameters and temp so it's relatively close to the 75G. Let me know what you think.
New update. Eggs are gone. Both parents are freely swimming around the tank. The parents were with the eggs this morning, but when I got home from work, all gone.

As for my new tank, will be getting my supplies for it in short order. Here's what I'm looking at doing. My 29G is only going to be for my Bolivian pair and a BN Pleco. Then when I do get my next batch of wigglers, will move them over into the 10G. I'm beginning to think there's just too many fish in the 75G for them to get successful wigglers that I can actually get to. So that is my plan, a 29G just for a Bolivian Pair and a BN pleco to help with algae, as it will be fairly heavily planted, but not like the 75G.
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