Did I do the right thing

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 29, 2015
I had an mbuna that was in a tank with a convict, I took over this tank and knew they weren't compatible, I was trying to nurse the mbuna back to health to rehome him when I got the money for a new tank, but from getting beat up by the convict he was vertical in the corner, just sat there and wasn't swimming right, lips swollen, fins missing, tail fins missing, mind you I just took this over so I didn't have much time to do anything I was treating with melafix in tank and salt baths, but I didn't have another tank to put him in so the treatments were null because I was putting him back into the tank with the bully, today I euthanized him after seeing him not wanting to swim, eat, run from the convict, I feel terrible and don't know if I should of did something different.
I just feel so bad as if I had another tank I could of nursed him back, but he had no color anymore in his tail, had what looked like blood in his tail, lips were pure white, and the convict is looking around for him so now I'm wondering if the convict is going to be okay cause he's alone.
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