Do i have enough hiding Places in my tank PIC inside

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What kind of cichlids are those?
Depending on if they are open water fish or fish that like rocks, will influence how many hiding places you need.
I did a little research and came up with:
[url= said:
Animal World[/url]]
Native to the waters of southern Texas (Rio Grande) and northern Mexico this fish is the northernmost cichlid and has the distinction of being the only cichlid native to North American waters.
River beds offer lots of hiding place, such as rocks, wood and the bends in the river itself. If this were my tank, I would add more hiding places.
I would definitely get some more rock and plants, there are some big ones in and they might bother the smaller ones unless their was adequete shelter.

Dan :)
I don't think there is any way to keep all of those fish in there for life. But if you are going to try to keep some you need four or five times the amount of rock you already have.
I agree with spence0416 that you will have to find some of those fish new homes eventually. According to the article that Menagerie posted, Texas cichlids grow to 12 inches in length, and some individuals are intolerant of having other fish nearby.

I noticed that you have a clay flowerpot in the tank. I would get a few more flowerpots of different sizes (clean and new, of course) - they offer great hiding places and are way cheaper than rocks. In my cichlid tank, I piled flowerpot halves in a corner and just placed a few pieces of petrified wood around the pile to make it look more natural. PVC pipe fittings are another option, but they are a bit harder to hide.

I'd also suggest some kind of background because it cuts down on reflections inside the tank and makes the fish feel a bit more secure.
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