Do I own one of the rare peaceful bettas?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2012
Alright so my girlfriend's grandmother bought me a betta fish for Christmas. She had it in a bowl when she gave it to me. Clearly, that isn't a suitable home. I have a 29 gallon planted with a swordtail, female black Molly, male guppy, 10 neon tetras, and a colony of cherry shrimp. Not to mention random tiny snails everywhere that store bought plants have brought in. I have an aqueon 8 and a standard 10 gallon that I don't really want to use. Both are empty. So, I tried my luck at putting the betta in my 29. To my pleasant surprise, he has got along just fine. Hasn't bothered anyone, even the guppy! The guppy swam all around him and the betta didn't even flare. Is this too good to be true? The only thing I worry about is the shrimp. Idc if he eats snails. I monitored his activity for about an hour last night after putting him in and he paid them no mind. I called my sister from work a minute ago to have her check up on the tank and she said the betta was looking at a shrimp like he was hungry. Basically, is it possible that he will get along with my other fish completely? Will he destroy my shrimp colony? As I said, from what I've seen he doesn't really pay attention to anyone else in the tank. Thoughts please. Sorry for the lengthy post.
Maybe its a female. I have a female in my comunity i never saw her bother the ghost shrimp while they were in there. I also have guppys
Maybe he is just happy to be out of the bowl! Some bettas are just nice, and some are not. Like people. If you have lots of plants and hiding places the shrimp can get into and the betta can't, then the shrimp should be okay :)
Maybe its a female. I have a female in my comunity i never saw her bother the ghost shrimp while they were in there. I also have guppys

Nope definitely a male. The fins are way too long for it to be female.
Maybe he is just happy to be out of the bowl! Some bettas are just nice, and some are not. Like people. If you have lots of plants and hiding places the shrimp can get into and the betta can't, then the shrimp should be okay :)

I hope this is the case. I am THRILLED at the thought of having this betta in my tank permanently. I always wanted to try it but I figured it wouldn't work. Luckily for me it has so far.
You know it's funny when I hear all these horror stories about betas being kept in community tanks I have kept betas for years and they have almost always been in community tanks the only ones I have had to remove or switch around has been because the beta is scared of the other fish! Lol I have a male in one of my 20s right now with Molly fry juvenile tetras and RCS and he is doing amazing although I admit he is pretty terrified if the shrimp:)
Watch him closely. He can turn in an instant. It doesn't mean that he will, though. I had a peaceful betta that turned aggressive after two years. Poor guy died a month ago.

I just put a. Betta in my tank. He just hides all the time! Lol
but I don't think he'll harm the other fish
The lfs near my house ha a Betta in almost every tank
Thanks for all the reassuring feedback guys. I just never would've expected him to be peaceful. Especially when there's a GUPPY in the tank. I'll continue to monitor his behavior. Hopefully the good in him persists.
I have had male Bettas in all three of my tanks with other fish. The biggest problem I've had was the Betta being chased by my loaches. yours will probably continue to be fine. Not sure about the shrimp though.
Mr. Betta sneaks up behind my ghost shrimp, as soon as they turn around he darts to the other side. He's only shown curiosity towards the other fish. No aggression towards them. That said after having betta's in community tanks many years ago, I could never put them in anything smaller than 5 gallons. They have to much fun zipping all over the tank.
Usually adding the betta last is the best course of action, especially if the other fish are well established, he may get tough, so expect that, but I kept mine with danios and he completely ignored them, and I had him 3 years with all kinds of barbs and tetras, and he did great! They remind me of little dogs, just very wet all of the time, and without the stinky farts!! :D
Was he flared and persistent or was it quick and just a get out of my space? I'd watch him close. If he's constantly chasing, craigslist a 5 gallon for him.
Was he flared and persistent or was it quick and just a get out of my space? I'd watch him close. If he's constantly chasing, craigslist a 5 gallon for him.

He never flared he just snapped at a few. I have 2 spare tanks I just really don't wanna set up another...especially when I'm not finished aquascaping and planting my 29. That's why I was so excited that he might be okay in the 29.
Just watch him. I have one now and I have had some community ones in the past. Occasionally they want the other fish to stay away from their corner or "space". And they will flare or chase them away. Actually biting them is different.

Mine would butt up to the fish but not bite and then it felt ok and didn't bother them any more. Had a female who would butt at anything that went in her corner, but it was ok for her to swim anywhere she wanted with the other fish and even eat next to them no aggression!

Another I had was a baby Betta .5" thought it would be perfect getting him used to tankmates as a youngster, WRONG! Tried killing anything that moved including a little Rams Horn snail. It all depends on the fish. They need lots of places to rest and hide too. Good luck on discerning your fishes personality.
Thanks guys. Looks like I'll just have to keep watching. I'll update this soon.
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