Do i risk it?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 17, 2012
New Jersey
So I have an Eheim Aquastyle 9gal to be set up on Wed. The plan is to plant it nicely and add 5 endlers, maybe a few snails. Only problem is my LFS never gets endlers. Today I saw them at Petsmart. I'm not thrilled with petsmart, but at least I wouldn't have to order the endlers. I will be setting up the tank with water from an established tank, so do I risk getting the endlers from petsmart and housing them in my tank that is fully stocked for a week an then transfer them or bite the bullet, wait it out and order them online?
So I have an Eheim Aquastyle 9gal to be set up on Wed. The plan is to plant it nicely and add 5 endlers, maybe a few snails. Only problem is my LFS never gets endlers. Today I saw them at Petsmart. I'm not thrilled with petsmart, but at least I wouldn't have to order the endlers. I will be setting up the tank with water from an established tank, so do I risk getting the endlers from petsmart and housing them in my tank that is fully stocked for a week an then transfer them or bite the bullet, wait it out and order them online?

We actually got Endler males a few weeks ago from Pet Smart and they have done wonderful. This time of year with the weather being/getting so cold it's not a good idea to ship right now. Plus doesn't Pet Smart have a 14 day guarantee?
Yes they do guarantee their fish with a water sample. I say go for it and don't ship because it will cost you a lot more in the long run.
They are small and the largest being almost an inch, figure how much is tail and you don't have a very large fish. We have males and they are just so small and many don't reach the max size.
Go take a look at your local petsmart. If you don't like the look of the tanks,dead fish dirty,ect, then don't buy from them. Yes, they do have a 14 day return policy just keep your receipt.
Why would you risk your tank when a bit of patience and few dollars can ensure everyone stays happy and healthy? :)
the tanks at my petsmart are surprising clean (the one a little further away is disgusting) so I risked it and I'm very happy. The endlers ( though they are actually guppy/endlers hybrids) are beautiful, active and I love them. I wish I could get a pic but they swim too fast,lol. BEST part, I got 4 and they only charged me for one. 2.99 for 4 endlers. One looks like a cobra guppy.
I personally work for petsmart 14 day gaurentee period you don't need a water sample just a reciept

I'm confused, are PetSmart going to replace his whole stock if they die as a result of an unquarantined fish?
Petsmart and Petco get bad raps. I find their tanks to be as well maintained either of the 2 LFS I visit in town and better than the local pet supply store. The downside is that you may or may not be talking with someone who knows very much about fish, but you can get misinformation anywhere. If I go to my LFS on a day where only the saltie guy is working, he won't know as much about cichlids and even less about non-cichlid fw tropical fish. No one, in any store, is going to know everything. Granted you can generally get more reliable information at your LFS than at Petsmart, but the person at petsmart just might know more than you think.
I know at my per smart jm the fish guru lol but yes some people there don't know jack best thing to do is your own research online from credible sources or pick up a book that's how I've learned everything I know so that I'm not giving people who come to my petsmart bad advice. And if the manager of your pets art is worth a **** the rank there should be close to spotless
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