Do you plant with tweezers or your hand?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
I've had a foot long pair of tweezers for a while and I always used it just to pull out dead stuff. I always planted with my hand...I saw a video of a guy planting by using tweezers and I can only smack my head and say, "Why haven't I been doing it that way?" It's so much easier it seems!
I don't think it would be easier. Of course, I don't have any tweezers other than the ones made for pulling splinters out of your finger. I'm guessing you're talking about the long ones with the cutters and pinchers on them? I can't see how it would be easier. Seems like it would be harder to me. I stick 3 fingers in the substrate, pull the substrate out, stick the plant in, cover up the roots. Maybe I'm just old school?
I would find it easer to be working with 5 or 10 fingers rather than with a pair of tweezers. Just seems easier to me.
I use my big tweezers is easier and plants seem to stay better I think. They never stay when I plant with my hands.
Yeah, I always seem to have issues with planting with my hands, especially plants with thin roots.
I've had a foot long pair of tweezers for a while and I always used it just to pull out dead stuff. I always planted with my hand...I saw a video of a guy planting by using tweezers and I can only smack my head and say, "Why haven't I been doing it that way?" It's so much easier it seems!

I don't use tweezers, but I have a pair of rounded tip scissors I use to prune plants back with and sometimes if I use them to push roots into the substrate. Easier then my fingers when the roots are tiny.
I plant with my hands if I can. I've got a pair of bent-tip hemostats to plant the little stuff I can do with my big paws.
(also a fan of Dustin's)

I'd have to add that it probably has a lot to do with substrate as well. Sand and dirt are much more fluid as a substrate, so the tweezers can easily push through it.

Gravel on the other hand, can easily defeat any attempt to use a planting tool other than the fleshy kind. And it only gets worse the larger the grain of the gravel.

I've just started with low-tech plants in my gravel tank and I've gotten quite good at doing "micro-excavations" with two fingers while holding the plant with the other. :)
I use hemostats for the tiny plants like hc and glosso... Fingers for everything else.
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