Does my stocking list seem decent?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 12, 2013
Missoula, MT
After a long time reading up on fish and such I've narrowed it down quite a bit... a lot actually. I still have a whole stack of papers of all the other fish I originally picked from and I've narrowed down about 20 ideas to 4. How I managed this I have no idea...

Depending on what Craigslist offers me the tank will be 100g+ I found a 55g with a stand on there for 55$... everything included... it made me wish I had my apartment. I died a bit inside.

So the fish list:
Pictus Catfish x5
Giant Danio x7 or 9
Black Ruby Barb x7
Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x7

(I don't want even numbers, I know I'm weird...)

The list seems like it should be fairly decent and no doubt should easily flesh out a 100g+ tank with ease. FYI, I do plan to use real driftwood (my friend knows of a neat place to get a TON of interesting pieces) and live plants. If you're curious about what plants I have planned I can list those too :).

I plan to use sand substrate and will either go with a cream-like colored sand or a darker sand (black). Any reccomendations on the cheapest sand? I hear play sand is the best to use.

Also whats the thickest I can layer the sand before it becomes dangerous? I hear no more than 2"?

I want advice from someone who is familiar with barbs. I know they are nippy fish and I'm concerned with my Pictus' barbels/whiskers. I've been told the Ruby Barbs are the more peaceful of the barbs, but I just want to be sure.

I'd prefer not to use a lid for my aquarium (unless it comes with one) and plan to just use a fine mesh top. The reason for this is I dislike all the moisture that builds up on it and over time those ugly plastic lids become ugly and crusty. Also... the lids are a pain in the butt to open to feed and such (and i can't see the whole top of the aquarium). I don't want a glass plank over it either because chances are it could break. Thoughts on this?

I am sticking to mainly low light-medium plants and if I end up without a hood I'll probably go and find a cheap type of shop light and just hang it from the ceiling. Any recommendations for lights?

I'd like to use a canister filter (unless the tank comes with a really nice HOB) any recommendations? I don't want anything too expensive, I've been told amazon is a good place to order cheaper ones.

Mainly I just want overall thoughts on my plan here so any and all advice is welcomed. If you know of other fish I can exchange for others that will be suitable for my pictus cats do recommend :) I don't think I could fit many more fish into the sized tank than what I have unless I get lucky and end up with a tank bigger than a 100g.
I don't know much about the barbs, sand, lights, or filter, but about the top, it should be okay. Remember not to use any spray-can products near the tank, as it will easily get in the water.
By spray can I mean the products that you spray stuff, like for cleaning and stuff.
stocking list looks good although I don't know much about pictus, so I cant guarentee it, but i believe they stay smaller so you should be in good shape with that.

Go with pool filter or black diamond blasting sand. Both are great for tanks but the PF is tan and requires less washing, the black diamond is black and needs a bit more rinsing, but you have more choices on the grit (30/60 is my favorite)

I've never heard anything about not laying sand too thick. 2-2.5" sounds like a good depth of substrate. Just get a skewer and poke holes in it occasionally just in case some gasses may have built up.

I can't answer the barbs-barbells dillema positively but i don't think that barbells would be an issue

I dislike hoods as well. But if you want a planted tank, I'd suggest looking into fixtures designed for aquariums. it all depends on what price range you're looking into but odyssea makes good lower priced t5ho lamps and finnex makes some great LED fixtures that don't cost much compared to most LED's. You'll have to look into what works for you and what you prefer, but both of those fixtures have legs that'll let them sit on top of the tank without a hood.

I don't know anything about cannisters, but I know that amazon has amazing deals on fish supplies and you're likely to find your best priced options there.
I have 4 pictus and they're about 7-8 inches and they have pretty big mouths so they shouldn't be kept with any fish small enough to fit in their mouth. I don't really know anything about the other fish though.
I have glass lids and I love them. Without a cover you lose a lot more water to evaporation. I was losing like 2 inches every 3-4 days. Now at my weekly water change its less than 1/2inch if that and that's on a 55 gallon tank.

I just got a fluval 306 canister filter and I love it. I've heard fluval and ehiem are the top two canisters.
I just set up a new 70 gallon tank. I picked it up on the Canadian version of Craigslist. I am using black sand, it really makes the colors of the fish pop. As for the filter I went with a Rena xp4 (xl), I am impressed with it, it is inexpensive compared to others and is really quiet
I like your stocking list I think IMO you have a lot of room for something else also.
After a long time reading up on fish and such I've narrowed it down quite a bit... a lot actually. I still have a whole stack of papers of all the other fish I originally picked from and I've narrowed down about 20 ideas to 4. How I managed this I have no idea...

Depending on what Craigslist offers me the tank will be 100g+ I found a 55g with a stand on there for 55$... everything included... it made me wish I had my apartment. I died a bit inside.

So the fish list:
Pictus Catfish x5
Giant Danio x7 or 9
Black Ruby Barb x7
Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x7

(I don't want even numbers, I know I'm weird...)

The list seems like it should be fairly decent and no doubt should easily flesh out a 100g+ tank with ease. FYI, I do plan to use real driftwood (my friend knows of a neat place to get a TON of interesting pieces) and live plants. If you're curious about what plants I have planned I can list those too :).

I plan to use sand substrate and will either go with a cream-like colored sand or a darker sand (black). Any reccomendations on the cheapest sand? I hear play sand is the best to use.

Also whats the thickest I can layer the sand before it becomes dangerous? I hear no more than 2"?

I want advice from someone who is familiar with barbs. I know they are nippy fish and I'm concerned with my Pictus' barbels/whiskers. I've been told the Ruby Barbs are the more peaceful of the barbs, but I just want to be sure.

I'd prefer not to use a lid for my aquarium (unless it comes with one) and plan to just use a fine mesh top. The reason for this is I dislike all the moisture that builds up on it and over time those ugly plastic lids become ugly and crusty. Also... the lids are a pain in the butt to open to feed and such (and i can't see the whole top of the aquarium). I don't want a glass plank over it either because chances are it could break. Thoughts on this?

I am sticking to mainly low light-medium plants and if I end up without a hood I'll probably go and find a cheap type of shop light and just hang it from the ceiling. Any recommendations for lights?

I'd like to use a canister filter (unless the tank comes with a really nice HOB) any recommendations? I don't want anything too expensive, I've been told amazon is a good place to order cheaper ones.

Mainly I just want overall thoughts on my plan here so any and all advice is welcomed. If you know of other fish I can exchange for others that will be suitable for my pictus cats do recommend :) I don't think I could fit many more fish into the sized tank than what I have unless I get lucky and end up with a tank bigger than a 100g.

I have red glass barbs and tiger barbs with pictus, and they have not harassed them yet. I don't know if ruby barbs are similar to the red glass barbs or not, but the red glass barbs are not very aggressive for barbs.
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